13. Bad dreams - Sky

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I wake up to a heavy feeling on my chest, I blink furiously at the sunlight pouring from the windows. I rub my eyes and see Blue laying on top of me, her light brown hair is messy. The projector is still on, bright light coming out of it. I rub my eyes once again.

I move Blue slightly, so that she doesn't wake up. I put her on the side and leave to the bathroom. I move the door, turn on the tap and take my brush with toothpaste on top of it. When I look into the mirror, it hits me.

We both were in the same bed together. Then I remind myself to take baby steps but my heart flutters involuntarily and it shouldn't.

I contemplate my decisions, I could ruin things here. I could ruin everything I have, yet this fluttering won't stop and I won't stop smiling.

So, I let myself feel real feelings for once and smile.

When I come out, I see her still sleeping. She was grinning so wide yesterday that I don't know if I will ever see that again. She never smiles that seeing her grin was nearly magical.

I go to the kitchen and make coffee, I take a cup for myself and leave one for Blue. I sit on the shade chair near the pool and scroll through my phone. 

Nothing has changed over the weekend, same party. People getting drunk, making mistakes. In a video background, I see Felicia doing shots furiously. Keith is completely zoned out in the other.

Felicia has sent me a photo with Keith with a beer bottle in their hands and it has the caption as: #wemissyou.

And then, I realize we have a party this weekend. I completely forgot about it, this party is very important. 

I call Keith, he picks up on the third ring. "Hellllo, Sky. Oh my god, dude, you missed the awesome parttty everr!"

I take it that he's still drunk from his slurring of words. "Oh, yeah. They are not awesome anymore. I'll call you later." I hang up and take a sip of my coffee.

A while later, Blue comes out of the room and sits next to me on the shade chair. "Morning, sleepy head."

"Hey," she says, "Good morning."

"Seems like you had a great sleep."

She nods. "Is that coffee?"

I nod, "yes, there's coffee in the kettle for you."

"Yeah, I'll go wash my face."

She stands up and stretches, rubs her eyes and yawns. "You know what? Go freshen up, I'll bring you coffee."


She leaves and I pour a mug of coffee for her and then refill mine. I go back to the chairs and leave her cup on the table.

Blue's hair is now in a messy bun and her cheeks are glowing. She takes her coffee mug and sits on the chair which she earlier sat on. "Thank you for bringing me here. I had a great sleep after a long time."

"My pleasure."

We don't talk for a couple minutes about random things and then, she stops short. She stares at the pool. Blue puts her empty mug down on the table and then stands up.

"I am going to jump into the pool."

I laugh, "uh, I don't think so. It's too cold."

"Yes and I am going to jump into the pool."

And she does right after, she makes a little splash and I laugh. She realizes it's cold just like I told her, I take that from her weird expression.

"Cold huh?"

She nods shivering and I laugh.


I jolt wake to the sound of a loud crash, I grab the can of spray paint I have and then open the door slowly. I make my way to the kitchen where I suppose the sound came from.

I move along the walls and about to turn into the kitchen and spray but laying down in a mess of juice and last night's left over dinner is Blue. She's soaking and crying. I place the can of spray on the counter and pull her up.

"Blue, are you okay?"

She nods no, crying. She wipes her forehead with her long sleeve. I gently pull her towards the couch and make her sit.

"Tell me," I say. "What's going on?"

She shakes her head. "I-I had this really weird dream."

I nod and she continues, "it's just."

She starts breathing heavily and clings onto me, like she can't breathe. It's like as if she's gasping for air. "Blue, breathe."

But she isn't listening, she clings onto me heavily, cries and gasps for air.

I pat her gently and hold her hand, "Blue, listen. It's okay, breathe." I say and hold onto her hand tightly, "Whatever it was, it's not real."

She nods, "It's not real."


And it takes her about five minutes to get back to normal. "I am so sorry."

"No, it's fine."

"Your t-shirt is soaked."

I shrug, "so, why did you make this mess?"

"I don't know. I came down for water, I forgot to turn the light on and I was shaking. I didn't know what to do."

I get, "well, I gotta clean it."

"I'll help you," she says standing up. "It's my mistake anyways."

We both clean the kitchen, which takes about an hour. When it's finally clean, Blue holds up the spray can from earlier. "You seriously bought a paint spray to attack?"

"A man's gotta do what he's gotta do."

She laughs and I swear I've seen her laugh here more than I have seen her in college for the past several weeks. I love to see her laugh.

"You got any other movies?"

She has this nearly scared look on her face. "Hey, if you don't wanna sleep alone. You don't have to."

She nods slightly and she follows me to my room. I take my pillow and a cover from the bed and put it down.

"Oh, don't be such a gentleman. Come sleep here." She pats the place next to her, "The bed is humongous anyways."

"Nope, you can sleep there."

I turn the lights off and she mutters a goodnight.

I can't sleep on the floor, it's too uncomfortable. I've been awake for a long time and I know Blue's asleep. I take my pillow and slowly make my way to the bed, and I sleep from a decent distance between us.


Who posted two chapters continuously?

I know this sounds woah but take a chill pill.

Love & Hugs,

Yaz ♥️

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