8. Throwback- Kendal

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"So, how are things at the NYU?" Emmy asks from my monitor, she's kind of blurry but I can manage.

"They are good for now," I say and notice Jack sitting on the nearby table doing something so sincere, I wave my hand at him but he doesn't seem to notice, "Jack!" I say loudly enough for him to jerk his head up.

"Hey Ken!" he says and scoots over next to Emmy. "Where's the lover boy?" he asks.

"Um, he's out getting food" I say. "How are things for you?"

"Good," he takes a moment, "there are more tech savvies like us here"

"Oh, they are everywhere except Deorgon," this makes them laugh, "our town is so crappy, I am glad to be out of it"

"It is, after everything. I am happy too." Emmy says, "How's Charlie holding up?"

"I think he's doing well, he's got people here. His father's friend's children," I sigh. "I feel left out, I mean I like being with him but his life is so different. He knows people everywhere, or at least people know him. I, in the contrast know no one and it's kind of hard"

"It's going to settle in, you don't have to worry about it," Jack says and lets out a low whistle.

"I know, but I feel like this isn't my place" I say, that's how I feel. Nobody can fill the place Kezya was in; the role I am playing belongs to Kezya, not me.

"No, don't say that Ken. Things happen for a reason, stay and find it out and Charlie loves you, like I have literally seen it in his eyes. So, stop worrying and be happy. It's over," she says and Jack nods along.

"Anyways, got to go," I say.

"Bye," they both say in unison and the screen goes blank leaving me with my own reflection.

The girl I am seeing is happy but she doesn't know anything or anybody but she's ready for what's to come.

Just in time, Charlie comes in holding huge bags covering his face. "A little help please?"

I get up and carry two bags from him, "Oh, they are so heavy! What are they?"

"Food," he places them on our kitchen counter and sighs. "So, I don't get to eat yours."

I swat at him, "If you say so, why can't you cook?"

"Well, I don't want to die either way"

He picks out a bar of chocolate and tears it open, breaks one and swallows it.

"If you're that hungry, we could order something"

"Already did," he answers still eating.

"What did you order?"

"Pad Thai"

"Ok" I say.

Is he always like this or am I just noticing it?

"About the party" he starts, "It's Sky Walker's, son of my father's friend – Fredrick Walker who is a big businessman and like I said one of my father's best friend. Adelaide Miller is the daughter of Stuart Miller, who is owner of one of the leading companies in the world."

"And why are you telling me this?" I ask confused.

"Because I know you feel left out, I could see it in your eyes. And I don't want you to feel left out"

Something lurches my heart, I don't what it is. "Thank you"

"It's nothing, you're my girlfriend"

And again that lurching turns into something like a blossom. I don't know how to describe it. I don't know if he heard me talking before coming in, he is sincerely trying to make me feel better. I have to do better too.

Maybe it is my place to fill in, after all.


People, how y'all doing?

Sorry but I can't help but ship Ken and Charlie.

how much are you guys liking this book so far?

Let me know ;)

Love & Hugs,

Yaz ♥

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