19. Nighter - Blue

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"Do you want to get out of here?" Sky asks. We have not taken a single sip of alcohol but I feel dizzy from the crowd that surrounded the house a while ago.

We moved from the backyard to the main house an hour ago, I have been her for total four hours and I have three hours till midnight. Even though I don't have classes tomorrow, I look forward to wake up early and do laundry and probably complete an assignment or two.

I look around and see Kendal all over Charlie, I blush and look away. Almost everyone have left, there are some passed out frat boys on the floor and a group of girls at the corner of the room sipping from blue and red cups.

"Did you hear me?" Sky asks again but this time touches my arm.

"Yeah sorry," I say. "Let's stay here for a couple minutes and then leave."

He nods and points to the stairs smirking, where Kendal and Charlie move towards the nearby door not paying attention to anyone nearby. I blush again as I watch them move rhythmatically, hands tangled into one another, fumbling.

"Jesus Christ, stop hawking them."

I roll my eyes and look away. "I don't get relationships."

He sighs, "Here we go again."

I look at him confused, "what do you mean 'again'?"

"It's like a girl's thing, they say they don't get relationships and then get themselves into one. Regret it, say the same thing and repeat the cycle."

I walk towards the couch and plop on it. He was pretty much accurate with what he said. "I don't know about other girls, but I could never see myself in one."

"And why is that?" he asks and moves around the round table in the middle of the hall, "you've never been in a relationship?"

"I never said that." I wish he'd stop talking; I don't want to get deep with him. He walks slowly over to the couch and sits next to me.

"You know, you can open up."

I shake my head no; I stand up as an idea pops into my head and grab both of his hands and pull him to his feet.

"Let's get out of here," I say and pull him with me to his car. On my way I see a couple of drunken girls hawk at Sky. I walk faster as he keeps asking where we are going.

"Just get in your car and start driving," I say as we reach his black Toyota which is different from the one he always uses.

He unlocks his car and I open the door and sit on the front seat. His car smells like mint and musk.

Sky sits on the driver seat and starts the engine and we slowly move away from the driveway of the huge house.

"Where do you want to go?" he asks.

"McDonalds, I'm hungry." And I mean it, I haven't had McDonalds for nearly a year now. I miss eating food; it used to be my comfort food at times.

He laughs, "Okay."

I smile and roll down my window, and peak out. It's dark with no vehicles around, the tall lights move one by one slowly. The flashing lights and the empty bridge with cool hair hitting my face feels so calming.

I connect the aux to my phone and play 'Lay all you love on me' by Abba. "This is my favorite song."

He gives me a smile and shakes his head. "I used blast this song in my room in Paris when I was in high school."

I stare at him, "you're kidding."

"Why would I? It's a great song."

I swat at him, "you did your schooling in Paris?"

"Yeah, I spent most of my teen years in Paris."

"Oh wow," I say. "I've always wanted to visit Paris; it seems like a cool place."

"It is if you make it to be." I look at him as he focuses on driving and looks straight. I adore his side profile; he seems so tough and soft at the same time.

I look away to window and take in the moment as the music blasts. It's a serotonin boost.

Moments like this makes me forget I have a life, these moments. Simple ones makes me want to give up the life I don't want and move to the one I actually want. It sounds so easy in my head, I know I have worked so hard to get in the place I am in right now but I'm not satisfied. I'll never be.

A while later, we get to the McDonalds drive-thru and order myself a blueberry blast and a burger with some fries and Sky orders himself a Big Mac and a smoothie.

"Don't eat, let's get to home." Sky says as we drive away after getting our food. "It's very nearby."

I nod, "Can we watch a movie?" I ask. He smiles and nods his head.

I eat a little bit of the fries anyways and he kept telling me not to. I laughed and ate two just to get a reaction out of him.

"You just won't listen, do you?"

I laugh, "No."

He looks so peaceful when he smiles, it's like he's different. He glows different and speaks different.

"I like you when you're like this," I say as we pull into the driveway of his house.

"Like what?"

I laugh again, "Like this."

He shakes his head, "thank you."

I grab both of our food and get out of the car first. I walk to the main door and wait for him to unlock the door. I check the time while I wait, it's nearly midnight.

Sky comes ruffling his hair and take the keys out of his pockets and takes some of the food from me. He finally opens the door and I take a huge sip of my blueberry shake.

He leaves to set the projector, I plop on the couch and sip on my drink. I look around his huge living room; I wonder how a single person lives in this huge house. I'd never leave the place if it was me.

The photos from last time get my attention again and I wonder who she is.

My Boyfriend's Game [Sequel to MGD]Where stories live. Discover now