23. that day - Blue

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I walk along the old abandoned railway track counting the sticks that someone have planted.

I hope on the track rail and try to walk on it without falling down.

"Blue," Alex says. "You're gonna fall."

"Catch me then," I say and walk along. Walking on it seems easy, I nearly trip once and he panics but I steady myself and laugh at him.

He touches the long grown lavenders; I hold a grip on his shoulder and get down. I hold his hand and swing it as we walk by.

This place is in the middle of nowhere, I've heard that only a train passes by in a week. This place is truly surreal, the open sky and the huge space with a small track in the middle of it.

We walk looking at the flowers and the sun blinding our eyes, I fall onto the flowerbed and pull Alex along with me. He laughs and lies next to me.

We just don't talk, sharing our earphones we listen to music quietly.

I close my eyes and take in the fresh air and let the music take over me.

This feels like a dream.

If this is what being in love is like, I get why people talk about it.

After a while I get up and pull Alex along with me. "I'm hungry."

He laughs and carries me unexpectedly. He runs along the track lines, his laugh booming the whole place.

He finally lets me down and now it's nearly dark. When I get down, I look across the tracks. Something catches my eyes, a light blue flower.

I point to it, "look."

He sees it and walks towards it, "you want it?"

"No, I like where it is. The blue flower."

He smiles me his bright smile, "Sometimes it's okay to be removed. There might be a better place waiting."

He runs away from me towards it, he looks far away now and I run along to catch up with him.

He crosses the tracks and gets to the flower. He plucks it and smiles at me, I could see him radiate happiness even from a long distance.

"I've got my Blue here," he screams.

"Okay, come here now."

He walks up to the tracks again, but this time stops in the middle of it. And I hear it.


"It's okay Blue."

"What's okay?" I ask not being able to take in what's going on.

"It's okay to be plucked and left alone."

"No, no, no." I scream but it happens too fast. Everything does.

The last thing I saw was the flower.

Blue as the sky.



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