5. Heartless - Blue

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That's the word that came to my mind when he gave me that smile. How could someone do that? He pushed me out of the way and screamed at me even though I apologized and then he comes, sits near people who actually like me and act like nothing happened?

He is heartless.

Sky, that was his name, how can a heartless person have such a beautiful name?

He could probably say I was very uncomfortable around him, so he called me to his party. Now I need to go to it because Kendal and Adelaide are dragging me into it.

They are new, they think I am normal and I don't want them to think of me as someone else. Reject me.

I let myself because I want to be normal for once.

I was confused when Charlie greeted Sky, he doesn't know I had the panic attack because of Sky but if he did would he have greeted him with that warm and welcoming smile?

And then even more confused when he already knew Adelaide, Kendal was confused too but then it hit me that they are all rich people, rich people know each other, and at least they pretend to know each other. It was shown clean and clear and Kendal understood it eventually.

This is just too much for the first week of college. I came here to study and get on with my life, not to think about some jerk and how heartless he is.

Stay away. My instincts says and I am going to do it.

Go to the party, don't talk to anyone except Charlie, Kendal and Adelaide, stay with them, don't drink, and don't wander off. This is what I am going to be repeating until the party comes.

"Um... hello?" someone says waving a hand at me, "what are you staring at?" Kendal asks quietly as she sits opposite to me.

I let out a nervous laugh, audible enough for her to hear. We are in the library so I maintain a voice in the library because one glare and I would vanish into thin air.

"Nothing" I say and tuck my hair behind my ears. Kendal smiles at me and takes out her books and arranges them neatly with each notes stacked according to the subject on top of it.

She fishes out her stationeries and arranges them back into her pouch.

I realize I am staring at her so I look at my book and try to concentrate. I glance once in a while to see her doing everything neatly and arrange them back.

I thought I was the only one who did what she is doing right now, I thought I was pathetic but I guess not.

"I do the same thing," I say making her smile. She pushes out the hair falling out of her bun.

"I thought I was the only one," she says making me gasp.

"I thought the same thing too!" I say trying to control my excitement.

She puts back her books neatly into the bag, "then I guess we were both wrong," she says. "You know, people called me crazy because I was so prepared and arranged at everything"

I nod thinking back to times when people said me that, "they will never understand the craze though." I say and she nods.

"I am glad you are coming to the party. We can get to know each other more, you remind me of someone" she says, "wanna hang out sometime this week? The party is next Saturday."

"Oh" I say, do I really want to hang out with her? What will be the consequences? I had already told I am coming to the party; will this be way harder than that?

She seems friendly and doesn't seem to be hurtful, maybe I will hang out with her. "Sure, I don't see why not."

"Well then, give me your number. I will text you" she says and we exchange numbers.

Probably the first week isn't so bad after all.

She takes her bag and waves me a bye. I concentrate to study; I have everything planned out for this week. Study, eat, sleep, and do shopping. I need to include the party the next week so I can prepare accordingly.

"Hey," I hear a voice; I don't need to look up to say who it is. I shudder slightly.

"Hey" he says it again but more loudly this time enough for people around to glare at us. I can't take it.

I look up, "What?" my voice is low but firm and I am quivering on the inside.

He's sitting where Kendal was sitting a few minutes ago. I wish she could have stayed longer, I wish I could've said something to make the conversation longer.

"Um..." he starts, "I am sorry"

Have I heard it right? What is he apologizing for?

"What?" I ask, "why?"

"Nothing, it's just you know I bumped into you. I was so annoyed and angry, I am sorry" he says, "that I... you know?"

He can't even apologize properly, but what can I expect from a guy like him?


"Ok, I guess?" I need this conversation to end. So, I grab my bag stuff my books inside it and start walking crossing him. But my bag is pulled back, by Sky.

I look at him, panic rising in my throat. Adrenaline rushing, saying me to run but his green sparkling eyes are kind enough to send it all back.

"I am sorry, I really am," he says.

"And I accepted you apology, you can leave me now"

"No," he says simply.


What does he mean by that?

No, that he can't leave me?

No, that I am not sure?

What does he mean by no?

"What?" I ask, I notice that he's still tugging at my bag, if he wasn't I would have left a long time ago.

"No. It's not my way of apologizing, I will take you out somewhere nice. Now, that's my way of apologizing," he says. "So, where do you wanna go?"

"Excuse me?" I snatch my bag so he can't grasp it again, "you can't just come around, apologize and take me out"

"Yes, I can," he says coolly. "Your bad," he says and leaves. Everyone is staring at me though.

I exit the library on the verge of tears. Yes, I am weak, too weak to handle this. Maybe I am at the wrong place, maybe this is not what I wanted.

Bad things always happen, to me and I always figure out a way out of it. Maybe I can figure out this one too.

'Stay Away,' my conscience say again, "I am trying." I whisper to myself.


So... y'all loving Sky so far?

ttyl in the next chapter

Love & Hugs,


My Boyfriend's Game [Sequel to MGD]Where stories live. Discover now