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I know it's been super long till I last posted, and I'm super sorry. But here I am, so enjoy.

***********************************************************************************************"Bee, wha going on?" four-year-old Moriah asked.

"You see that girl the policeman gave to Daddy?"Bianca, her older sister, said. Moriah nodded."She's our new sister."


"They took her because her mama wasn't a good mama and they're giving her to us so we can take care of her."

"Why is she crying?"

"She's scared."

Moriah suddenly got an idea. She rushed upstairs to her room and got out her favorite yellow blanket and white stuffed bear. She came back downstairs and headed over to the couch, where the girl was now sitting. Moriah sat down next to her and spread the blanket over them.  Handing the bear to the perplexed girl, she said, "Here. You can cwy on Cubo. He's really nice. And you don't have to be scared, cuz we're good people."

"Okay," the girl said, sniffling. 

"I'm Moriah."

"I'm Courtney."

Moriah gave Courtney a hug.

"We're sisters now."

"'Pearently,"Courtney replied, hugging her back,

The rest of the Peters- Tony, Pat, Bianca, and Mittens the purple kitten- smiled as the two young girls curled up together and later fell asleep. The two had created a bond that would last till the end of time. 


And DONE!!!!!!!!

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