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Teddy tossed the beanbag up and caught it. And tossed it up and caught it. Vince was reading a history book bigger than the Bible on the British monarchy. Luke was practicing his (horrible) Spanish. Mod was writing a poem on stupidity. Ben was eating a bag of cereal. Daniel was scrolling. Stephan was reading a book on grain. And Joel...

Joel was busy making a three layer strawberry white wine cake with cheesecake filling and white buttercream frosting. It was a bit of a feat, not only making the cake, but also while in a moving vehicle. But Joel welcomed the challenge.

"Hey, is it ready yet?"Daniel called.

"I literally just put it in the pan,"Joel replied.

"Dang it."

"It's gonna take a while."

"Gracias,"Luke said.

Joel rolled his eyes. "Okay, Luke."

He placed the pans in the small oven, then closed the door and set the timer. Then he washed the bowls and began preparing the filling. Vince came by and attempted to eat some.

"Stop it!"Joel waved Vince away. "Stop eating it! It's not ready."

"Meanie,"Vince muttered, walking away.

Joel ignored him and started to make the frosting. Mod walked in and stole some.

"Oh my gosh!"Joel exclaimed. "What is wrong with y'all?"

"We just wanted some cake,"Mod murmured.

"Shoo. Bye. Adios."


Joel pulled the cakes out of the oven and let them cool. When they were ready, he added the filling and frosted, stacked, and decorated them.

He washed the bowls and utensils, cleaned the area, then sighed.

"It's ready,"he whispered.

A stampede of six men rushed over to Joel. Within a minute, the entire top and middle layer of the caker were gone.

"Joel,"Vince said,"you're so awesome, you get the biggest layer of cake for yourself."

Joel grinned. "Thanks."

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