Stormy Night

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"Joel, I'm scared," 4-year-old Luke whispered.

"Why, mate?"his 6-year-old brother replied.

"The lights went out, and it's stormy."

"So? We're fine."

"Will we die?"

Joel smirked. "Yes. Probably you first, since you're the most scared."


"Yup. The lightning'll burn you and it'll hurt and everyone will celebrate."

"No, they won't."

"What do you think funerals are?"


"Nobody likes you, anyway."

"Mum, Joel's being meeeeeeaaaannn."

"Scaredy cat Luke."

"I am-"

"Boys. Go. To. Sleep,"Helen ordered sternly.

Joel blew a raspberry at Luke, before turning over in his bed. Like pouted, but 20 minutes later, Joel found himself stuck sleeping with his baby brother on top of him.

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