Sad, Isn't It?

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Joel splashed water onto his face for the fifth time. Still, he didn’t feel any more awake than when he’d stumbled out of his warm, comfy bed. 

He glanced over  at it through the open bathroom door. His girlfriend, Charleeh, was still asleep, thankfully. Joel went through his morning routine, brushing his teeth, combing his hair, and applying moisturizer. 

“Hey, babe,”Charleeh called. 


“Yeah?”he replied, a bit hesitant.

“What’s for breakfast?”

Breakfast. The word made his stomach churn. Two months ago, it would have made him all happy. But now, not so much. 

    Joel used to be a foodie. He cooked, baked, and inhaled food. He binge-watched the good cooking shows and effortlessly recreated cake designs from the Internet. But all that changed-thanks to Charleeh. Apparently, he had a “bit too much stomach”. Not a lot, she had said, but enough for him to diet. When he’d asked how much, she’d said ten pounds. Maybe even 20. 

So, now Joel was careful around food. He only made “healthy” meals and almost stopped baking, but Charleeh had prevented that. She couldn’t give up her lemon cakes and glazed donuts. Interestingly enough, she was starting to put on a bit of weight herself. But Joel couldn’t point that out. She’d just call him a bitch and a misogynistic pig that only liked stick-thin models.

The hypocrite. 

He smirked and replied, “Oatmeal.”

Charleeh hated oatmeal.

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