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A/n~ you guys are so sweet thanks for understanding :)) but this has some spoilers for far from home so just don't read if you haven't seen the movie yet. It's rlly good so go get yourself some tickets.


Mysterio. Quentin Beck.

Your archenemy.

The guy you've been trying to take down for the past two years, and neither of you seemed to give up.

You tracked him down in Italy.

You found him fighting a giant elemental. Lave this time. You shot a powerful blast at Beck. Something that was difficult to get back up from, normally. But for him, he shot back up and attacked you.

"No what are you doing? He's not the monster! The giant lava thing is the monster! Get him!" A kid yelled.

You ignored him and landed on the ground.

"So we meet again, Beck." You said.

He stood up and looked annoyed at you.

"You again?"

"You know I won't give up."

"I really wish you would though."

"And I wish you would too, but I guess we all can't get what we want." You said.

"Wait what? What about this lava thing?" The kid asked.

"That thing is fake but I'll explain more later, just get Beck now. He's the bad guy." You said.

You turned and shot a blast at him again. He flew back.

"You go wrap him up in those webs of yours, I'll get him after!" You yelled to the kid.

You flew up on the roof. You watched as the kid swung around and wrapped Beck.

You flew and shot a blast at him and didn't stop. Even thought everything he had was fake, he still had a huge group behind him. He was more powerful than any other human.

You stopped blasting and he sat there still alive. You were pissed.

"Oh, Scepter. You're so...stupid."

All of a sudden you were surrounded in darkness with the kid.

"Wha-what's going on?" He asked.

"Stay calm...this is all fake." You said trying to get him not to freak out.

You closed your eyes and built up your power.

"Miss, what are you doing?" He asked.

"Be ready."

You heard footsteps and he was farther away.

You let out a powerful blast and the projectors stopped working. They fell to the ground and Beck was gone.

"Come on!" You yelled.

You walked over and picked up the projectors. You ripped out the screen with your super strength and flew away. The kid swung after you.

You stopped at the top of a building. You put the projector into your bag that was sitting there. You swung it over your shoulders and before you could fly away, you heard someone talk.

"Wait don't fly away again! I have questions for you."

You turned away to find the same kid that was back with you.

"I have a question for you, who are you?" You asked crossing your arms.

"I-I'm Spider-Man."

"Spider-Man? Like the New York..Spider-Man? What are you doing over here in Venice?" You asked.

Peter Parker // Tom Holland // one shots Where stories live. Discover now