Do and Does

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Do you wait on his text?

Do you want him more?

Does he make you happy?

Does he make you laugh?

Does he take your pain away?

Does he listen ?

Does he care?

Does he know you're favorite movie?

Does he know you're favorite song from Repo?

Does he know you're favorite song from Sweeny Todd

Does He try to memorize your brothers names?

Does he ask about your family?

Does he ask about your relationship with your family?

Does he know how much of a sap you are?

Does he know about your witch book

Does he know how much you worry about being unimportant?

Does he know how much you cry?

Does he know about your sleepless nights?

Does he knows how much you love your friends?

Does he know their names?


oes he know how much you crave attention?

Does he ask if you ate that day?

Does he know about your "gamer" diet?

Does he worry about what you eat?

Does he try to wake up before you do just so he can be your alarm clock?

Does he know how important school is for you?

Does he know why?

Does he try to stay up with you so you won't be alone?

Does he tell you how much he loves you?

Does he tell you how much he thinks of you?

Does he read/see/hear what you recommend?

Does he make playlist for you?

Does he ask you to make him playlist?

Does he start every conversation with "I missed you"
Will he end it with "I love you"?

Do you know if he stays up thinking about you?

Does he cry when you cry?

Does he tell you how much he loves your voice or laugh?

Does he tell you how much he loves your eyes?

Does he tell you how beautiful you look when youre focused?

Would he introduce you to all his friends?

Would he fight to stay by your side?

Would he try to meet all your friends?

Would he spam you just to spam?

Would he move heaven and Earth?

Would he move Half way across the country to be with You?

Would he try to watch movies with you?

Would he sing for you?

Would he sell his soul to the devil himself just so he can breath the same air you did?

Do you love him more then me?

Does he love you?

"There are so many do's and does it feels like it can go on forever."

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