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Note: I Have to say these things.
So the next few post might be angry.

All day I've had this thought in my head.
A nagging thought.

Here it goes.

My intuition tells me this.

Last week you only used me as a tool.
You where lonely
You and him got into it.
So you came to me.

That's what's been eating at me the past couple of days.

He wasn't talking to you so you used me.

And when you and him made peace you dropped me.
I was a cheap dime store toy.
You had no use for me so you dropped me.

That's extremely shitty of you.

I want to say, "maybe it's in my head."
But in my gut I know that's what happened.

It's shitty.
It's really shitty.
I was fucked up because of it.
It's shitty that you only talk to me when he won't.

But the writing was on the wall, I suppose.

Or maybe I'm just wrong and I'm fucken going insane.

To be continued.

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