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His name is Nerd.

He's my "token" black friend.

I've known this guy for a couple of years.

He really is a great guy.

I respect him tremendously.

He's always been a good friend

A loyal and loving one at that.

He's a very down-to-earth kind of guy.

He's always been someone I can have deep and meaningful conversations with.

Where the conversations flow organically
And buttery smooth.

When I talk to him i know im going to be respected and listened to, that I'm ganna have a good time talking and I'm ok to be myself.

We can talk about almost anything and always agree and disagree on things respectfully.

Never real arguments.

Even when it does effect him he's just always passive and calm about it.

There's very little times I ever seen that man upset.

I respect that even when he is upset if you call him out on it he realizes why he's upset, calms down and then proceeds to make fun as to why he was upset.

He's also someone I can talk anime with and he gives me great recommendations on what to watch and read.
And we can discuss our Theorys, complaints, and over excitement.

Anime may be a media that I, as time goes on , am walking away from but when I find myself wanting to go back he's the first person I go to.

He's also someone who has helped me out tremendously these past few weeks and months.

Always listening, always asking how I'm doing.

He's someone I make a good amount of playlist for too!

It's a thing we kinda have.

His music taste is pretty great.
And i enjoy what he puts on them.

I want to thank him for beings great man, a very chill guy and someone who I respect tremendously

I'M Bullshit Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora