Man in Manipulate

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I'm sorry for the things I did that made it seem more painful.

I know I wasn't as attentive at the end or ever as you would have wanted.
I was more obsessed with video games like Ark and smite. More bothered with spending time with 'The Boys'
Then spending time with you.
I should have called more, texted more, spammed more, and asked more.

I took advantage of your patience

I didn't love you as much as I come off as i did.

I can say that I Loved and adore you but actions speak louder then words huh?

I was a fool.
I should have told you I loved you more often.
Should have gotten up earlier.
Should have called you a hell of alot more.

Most important of all
I should have never left you in November.
I should have stayed patient.
I should have trusted in you so much more.

I could never atone for my sins but that won't stop me from trying.

You're right, instead of saving you from drowning in the end I was holding your head underwater.

I was so busy planning my future with you that I was never focused on the present with you.

Maybe you were right. Maybe I was manipulative.
At least that's what I want to believe.

In the end it was all my fault.

*" I'm Just No Good at Letting People Go.

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