Thank You Everyone

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It's so astonishing to know how many people can relate you when you open up to them.
To know so many know your pain.
It makes you connect with that person even if it's for that small amount of time you spend talking to them.
I love them all.
All the people who have given me their ear.
Their tears.
Their kindness.
Knowing how many people rally to me in the hour I need them most.
That maybe if you think I'm manipulative.
Everyone I know can't even seem picture me being something so evil.
It's a blessing to know that.
Even if I myself can't help but believe it.
Thank you all.
For letting my cry.
For letting my be hysterical.
For listening.

For being a friend.
For believing in me.
For getting me out of bed.
For just coming to hang out and enjoy a comfortable silence.
Shit, to not letting my comfort myself with alcohol or drugs.

And to the complete strangers who just listened and put a hand on my shoulder because they knew my pain.
Thank you.

You all make me want to be a better person.

Thank you everyone.

Thank you for your tears.
Your hugs.
Your calls.
Your comfort.
Checking up on me.

I'll make sure to show you all just how far I can go.

*this song should have been posted in withdrawal since I listened to pearl jam alot when I was getting sober."

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