Tokyo/ Masa

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You made me think of my friend who passed away in February.

We called him masa

He was Japanese.

He was a very strong dude.

He was also a semi pro boxer.
Great man.

You know I went to Tokyo the 2nd time to go see his son.

To visit him and pay an offering.

It pains me to say I forgot.

I'm terrible.

First your funeral and now a proper visit.

I know you would have never forgotten.

He took me in as family. Not just any family, HIS family.

He never let anyone fuck with me.

I saw him get married

Have a son.

Change his life around.

He taught me Japanese and all the fly shit that came from it.

I vamp'd your Konica Minolta
And I learn about photography then.
You helped me gaze into a new world.

I'll forever be grateful for letting me into your world, into your life, and making me part of the family.

I'm sorry I haven't payed you a vist when I was there this pass month but I'll be with you in september.

I'll bring the food and drinks.

I won't forget the twizzlers.

I love you my brother.

*If we out here speaking Latin then, Temen Dignus sum!

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