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There was one time when we first started dating where I was so desperate for sex I did go to someone .

I texted her "want to fuck"
And she came over.
I did kiss her...twice.
Once when she got there and the other when I took her to my room.
I paused.
We went to the bed.
I saw your text.
I chocked up.
And I told her to leave.
"Hey sorry but I'm not feeling it anymore, sorry."

She said it was ok, tried to kiss me (she kissed my chin and hit my funny bone) but I was already standing up before should could really pin me down.

She got up and kind tried again but at that point I was at the door to the bedroom.

I told her no again and she must have seen it in my eyes that I fucked up because I'm sure they where swelling up with tears that she gave up.
Whole thing must have last 15 min max.

I never saw much of her after.

I mean why would I? I denied her sex and she probably thinks I'm fucken stupid still.

Just telling everyone that one time that guy got really upset he almost burst to tears.


I waited a couple of hours and I text you proud as fuck like some idiot telling you I didn't go through with it.

I didn't.

I swear I didnt.

You said there where always other girls.
That I always was fucking around with other women.
I didn't.

Sure, I may have gotten angry I said I did.

But if I met a girl and flirted and it seemed like it might actually happen two things would either happen.

One they realize I was in a relationship. Either just by my constant glued face to the phone or they'd see my phone screen was you.

Or id tell them that thanks but no thanks.
In a cheeky way.

Idk where you got that idea that I was constantly cheating on you. But it's not true.

Matter of fact I can call her.
Her name was chrystal.
And she'll tell you the same.
thing I did.

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