Weasel / Scum / Slimball

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It hurts to know he told you to stop talking to me and you believe him.

You fell for the oldest trick in the book.

I know he seems like a white knight now but he's a weasel.

He made me sound like a monster just so he can have an "In" with you.

He manipulated you.

Did he even asked if you would want to talk things out with me?

Or was the only thing he wanted for you to leave me?

You who I thought was so much smarter then that.

You who I thought would see it coming a mile away.

You who I thought loved me enough and smart enough to know that wasn't true.

You who I thought loved me enough to know that you could talk to me about it before things got here.

That's what breaks my heart, that you listened.

I never would entertain the fact of tell you to stop talking to someone.

You know just because you where talking to someone I didn't like I wouldn't tell you to stop talking to them.

That's not right.

That's disrespectful and demanding.

That fact that you like a guy like that breaks my heart.

You say you're tired of listening to people.

That you're tired of being bossed around.

And yet he told you to leave me?
There wasn't a, "maybe you should leave him"

What did he say?

"He doesn't deserve you madi"

"He's abusing you"

"He's just taking advantage of you."

"If he really loved you he wouldn't have done ______."

"You know if it was me i wouldn't do that to you"

"How can you love an asshole like him"

"He's a monster"

How close was I to what he said?

I wonder about the lies he told.

I'm sure he was convincing.

I'm sure he seemed to know the remedy to your pain.

The honey he poured in your ears must have sounded sweet.

How much did you tell him about me?

About us?

A weasel.

A fake white knight.

Remember he only got you to love him by making you hate me.

*"On nights so lifeless, love, I hope it made you feel good
Knowing how much I adored you."

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