Squint and you'll miss it

6 0 0

That scene really fucks me up.
I can't help but think it's true.

You've always given me whiplash though.

Our relationship is whiplash.
Back and fourth, back and fourth.
Like the seesaw.
Up and down.

No such things as a perfect relationship, obviously.
But it's the up and downs were every relationship grows and becomes stronger, right?

We always came closer after we broke down

One minute we are fine, the next, we can't stand the site of each other.

After all the fights.
All the anger and sadness
All the breakups
Every time we came back together
We came back at a better place
It seemed we were stonger.

I just...
You where worth it yknow?
All the fighting.
All the empty nights.
All the tears and anger.
All the patience and anxiously waiting.

So close from falling yet we where always there to pick each other up when one dropped from the edge.

Always fighting and trying to stay up top.

Our relationship was work.
It wasn't easy
It wasn't Smooth sailing
It always seemed like the end

It was the in between.
The little moment's.
Those times it really was just me and you
That made everything worthwhile.

It's my cynicism that pushes people away.
Not my lack of growing up.

I'M Bullshit Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora