Fools errand

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I'll be the fool on the hill waiting for you.

I love you.

Because I love you I'll wait.

Every breath is pure agony.

Every moment talking to you takes my heart further and further into the void.

Saying I'm depressed is a gross understatement.

I'll hide my pain under this big smile.

I'll pretend I'm fine just to keep you with me.
Even if I'm at the bottom of your barrel

The salty tears that run down my face only remind me of the pain you gave me.

Yet I will not give up.

Even if it rains I will remain there outside your window.

Just give me the word and I would crawl on my knees to you.

I'll tear down the effial tower if it's what you want.

I am your fool.

You're Stupid angry fool.

Waiting here for you.

I'll be a dog just waiting for a hint of affection from you.

*"But the fool on the hill sees the sun going down."

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