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I know I was away for a hot minute, but the bitch is back ;) - ayyy 

Just one more cigarette, Taron tells himself as he leans out of his bedroom window. Propped on his elbows, he lights one more and watches the people below. People watching was one of his favourite things to do. He loved to make up stories about where they were going and what kind of life they led.
It was something he's always done, as a child he'd sit alone in the playground and watch all the children playing. Watch them all laughing as they ran around chasing each other or play fighting, a small smile would creep on his own little face until he'd sigh with sadness.

That same sigh escapes his lips as he finishes that last cigarette quicker than his last. After a quick check in the mirror, he leaves his room and makes his way down the stairs and to the door where he steps out and is greeted by the cold December air.
Pulling his jacket tighter around him, he walks in the dark streets to the hall, he takes a deep breath and steps inside.
None of the audience is here yet, but he can hear excited chatter from backstage and that's when he snaps back into Taron. He puts on a smile and tries his absolute best to push down the almost overwhelming nerves that are bubbling inside him. It's not even the performance he's worried about, it's seeing his nan again. For the first time in almost five years, he's going to see someone he's missed so much.

Not being able to see her for these five years had been tough, she's been ill and Phil would never let Lisa and Taron go to see her. Ever.
Although they'd see his family on occasions, Lisa was never allowed to see her own mum and yet they were coming together tonight. To see a play that Taron was the main character in and that made his heart feel warm, complete almost.
But the nerves were still there. He didn't want to mess it up and he didn't want to ruin their reunion.

"Taron, the leading man!" Graham cheers almost too excitedly and Taron smiles, that was the same way he greeted him when he arrived for the first round of rehearsals.

"Right guys, show's in half an hour, everyone ready?"
Everyone cheers and the energy is electric between these ten or so individuals who were coming together to put on a great bit of entertainment.
"Can we see the people who are going to watch?" Lizzie pipes up and Taron's eyes immediately find hers, giving her a warm smile which she returns
"Yes, they'll be piling in any minute. If you want to catch them outside, you can go now"
Almost half the group left, including Lizzie and Taron who made their way together to the front of the building.
"There they are!" Taron said over the chatter of everyone chequing in the entrance hall. Lisa turned around and smiled widely, "Taron!"
They embraced in a hug and Taron swayed his mum in his arms.
"You're looking well young man!"
"Nan! How are you?!" Taron flung his arms around her too, but as Barbara moved to hug him Taron saw Belle stood behind her. The two locked eyes and Taron's face dropped a little.
"Ah, Barbara - you blew my cover!" Belle joked which made Lisa and Barbara laugh.

Taron hugged Belle for the longest and planted a sweet kiss on her head, "You came" He whispered
"I wouldn't miss this!"
Taron stood back and admired his little family, Barbara looked well. She had a constant smile on her face and she was linking arms with Lisa.
"I've missed you all!" He tells them and they all smile
"We've missed you too. You're looking well!" Lisa repeats, taking in her son's appearance.

Taron doesn't know where to look, he wants to spend forever in this happy little moment. A moment surrounded by total strangers but these three were the most important people in his life. Everyone else seemed to fade out when he saw all three of them stood before him, all looking at him as he stood with his hands in his jacket pocket.
"We'll have to grab a drink after the show" Taron says and they all smile, but then Taron catches eyes with Lizzie who gestures back to the stage through the double doors it seemed like they only just walked into.
"I need to go to get ready" He says, smiling at them, but he had to do one more thing before he left them again. He steps closer to Belle and Barbara and Lisa step away, giving the two a second.
"Did you lie to me on the phone when you said you weren't coming - did you already know you were?" Taron smirks a little, looking into those beautiful brown eyes
Belle nodded, smiling
"You lied to me?" Taron tried to act mad but laughed straight after
"It was a white lie, I wanted to surprise you"
Taron smiled and put his arms around her shoulders, Belle put hers around his waist, "Well it worked" He whispered, tilting his head a little to press a small kiss against her lips. He wanted more but he really had to go, plus his mum and nan were stood next to them staring longingly at the cute couple.
Belle kissed back and instinctively leaned in again for a better kiss, a deeper one.
"Now go, you're other girlfriend is waiting" Belle looked over to Lizzie who was now also watching Taron.
"She fucking follows me everywhere I swear to god" Taron jokes, but there's a hint of annoyance in his voice which Belle picks up on and is grateful for. She wasn't an overprotective type but there was something in the way Taron said that which put her at ease. She was the only girl he wanted.

"I love you" Taron muttered, the words falling carefully out of his mouth as he traced Belle's face with his eyes, "I missed you" He continues, hugging her and Belle laughs
"Hurry up! You're making them late" She laughs and the two separate, Taron biting his bottom lip; mentally kicking himself for being so nervous earlier.
"See you later," He says to all of them and rushes off to Lizzie who quickly leads him back through the hall and to the back of the stage.

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