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I posted the wrong freaking chapter lol...

Anyways, here is the right one:

Taron reached the top of the stairs and headed for the only door that was shut, Belle's. He couldn't hear her crying so with a silent nod of approval he knocked on the door lightly.
"Belle, I need to explain-"
"No shit!" Belle snapped back, although she wasn't crying anymore she was still upset. It had been almost an hour since she slammed that door and she hadn't moved from the sitting position she was in on her bed.
"Can I come in?" Taron asked carefully
"I guess"
Taron opened the door slowly and gave a weak smile when his eyes met Belle's.
"You have every right to be mad and upset, I know I've been a dick and haven't told you anything. I thought that it would be better for you, but it wasn't and I'm stupid for thinking it was" Taron began to explain, making his way to Belle's double bed and perching on the side of it. Staring straight at the wall and twiddling his thumbs he began to explain everything. From the fight he had with Phil, to going to the hospital and speaking to his management. Belle remained silent through all of it, only staring intently at Taron before looking out of the window. Listening carefully to everything he had to say and everything began to make sense. Now she was the one who felt the guilt even though she shouldn't.

"So this morning we went to the police station, which is why I didn't come to see you. I had to be there with mum and they questioned me too- I told them everything that they asked to know, including me knocking the fucker out and I don't know if I'm gonna be done for assault or-" Taron paused, "The point is, I shouldn't have lied, but I didn't want to tell you because I thought that you had enough to think about yourself and I didn't want you to worry about me because no one should, I'm fine- Happy actually, that I could tell someone who could do something about it but, I've been a shit friend and boyfriend to you. I should have been here with you, but I had to make a start at sorting it out and, to be honest, I'm glad I did- mum needed me and I was happy I was there but-" Taron tried to find the words to explain exactly what he was thinking and feeling, but he couldn't.

"I wasn't with you" He sighed
"Taron I-"
"No, it's okay. You didn't know, how could you? I didn't tell you anything and I'm really sorry, I won't ever keep anything from you again-"
"Stop apologising, you're juggling so much right now and I was just mad that you lied, but I see now why you did" Belle looked at Taron and the couple locked eyes.
Taron half smiled in defeat, "It feels good to tell someone at least" He shrugged and Belle laughed, relieving the heavy feeling in the air.
"Just please talk to me more, I know you wanted to protect me but I want to know what's going on. I love you and I know I haven't been very present, I've been in my own head and I'm sorry too. I just don't know what I'm doing. I don't know how to carry on with anything now and I know I need to leave this house, but it's the only thing that lets me pretend they're still here. But I'm done pretending, mum and dad are dead and there's no way to bring them back" Belle vented, feeling good too that she could talk to someone. That someone being the person she loved so dearly and she knew the love was reciprocated.

"Do you want to move in with me?" Taron asked, still staring into those beautiful brown eyes, "I mean you don't have to, you could live with your grandparents. But if you want to the option's there" He explained, looking away because the anticipation of Belle's response was too much.
"Into the room you have at the pub?" Belle fidgeted, looking down at her fingers
"Yeah!- If you want?" Taron tried to contain his enthusiasm at the idea, which was hard to do as he really wanted her to.
"I'd have to travel back for college every day though," Belle thought aloud, as much as she wanted to move in with Taron she had to think practically.
"Yeah, that's true. It'd be like an hour train journey there and back every day" Taron said, a little defeated, "Sorry, I should have thought of that before suggesting it"
"It's a great idea and I'd love to, but I think my grandparents is the best option I have at the moment" Belle dismissed and got up from the bed, "Right, I'm going to go out I think - get some proper fresh air. I should call my nan too - let her know that I want to stay with them for a bit"

It was as if talking to Taron gave her a new lease of life.

"Okay, I should probably get back to mum - unless you want me to come out with you? We could go for dinner?" Taron's mind seemed to be working at a hundred miles an hour recently.
"Dinner sounds amazing, we could try that Italian down the road?" Belle pipes up with a huge grin.
"Amazing, Italian is a firm favourite" Taron grins too, "I'll book a table and you can call your nan"

The two bounced off each other, creating a plan of action for the spontaneous evening out.

"Yep, I'll ring her now"

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