Chapter 5

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A few weeks later...

Selina sits in her bed and write some things down in her computer. Selina had been working hard on an idea for 2 companies that she had in mind. One was to help save the street cats and the other was to help the street kids in Gotham. Both where close to her heart.

"Hey" Jim says as he walks in. Selina looks up at him.
"These are your vitamins for the baby. Lee want you to take them" he says. She nods.
"Thanks" she says as she grabs them and the water.
"What are you working on" Jim says as he turns the computer and looks at it. Selina drinks the water with the vitamins.
"Selina I didn't know you where a good businesswoman. Like this work that you are doing is amazing" he says. Selina gives him a small smile.
"Thanks someone needs to do something about this. Like these animals could have such good home and the kids have so much potential but all this city seems to care about is the crime there are other thing that are just as big as a problem as the criminals in this city" she says.
"I agree but sadly I'm not very good at this stuff and my job is a cop" he says. She nods.
"Barbara is going to help me get everything going she is going to talk to some people about it and I have to present this to them after that everything should get moving" she says.
"When are you presenting this to them" Jim asks.
"End of the week that's why i need it to be perfect. I can't afford for this to go down the drain" she says. Jim smiles.
"With your determination you'll get it" he says. She smiles at him.
"Well I have to go to work. Barbara is coming over with Barbara Lee soon so you won't be on your own" he says. Selina nods her head. Jim gets up and walks towards the door.
"Jim" Selina says. Jim turns to her.
"Thanks for everything" she says. Jim smiles before walking out.

That was his choice BATCATWhere stories live. Discover now