Chapter 4 - First Date

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There's a knock on the door. Sylvia answers the door to reveal a well dressed Paul McCartney. "Hello. You must be Paul McCartney of The Beatles." Said Sylvia. "Indeed I am. And you must be Sylvia Carson. Ariel's mother." Paul said. Sylvia nods. She notices Paul holding a bouquet of flowers. "Are theses for Ariel?" She asks. "They certainly are." Said Paul. "Please wait here while I get Ariel." Sylvia said. Paul nods while Sylvia knocks on Ariel's bedroom door. "Come in!" Said Ariel.

Sylvia enters the room. "You look beautiful sweat pea!" She said. "Paul's here by the way." Ariel smiles and puts away her guitar. She gives her mom a hug and a kiss on her cheek. "See you later Mom." She says. "Have a wonderful time on your date." Said Sylvia.

Ariel sees her dad talking to Paul after exiting her room. "Hi Paul!" She said getting his attention. Paul turns to Ariel and sees her all dressed up. "Good evening Ariel! You're looking very beautiful tonight!" He said. Ariel blushes. "Thank you. And you look handsome." She said. "Thank you m'lady!" Paul said. He hands her the bouquet of flowers. "Roses?! They're my favorite!" Ariel exclaimed. "Thank you!" She smells the roses and smiles. "We ought to put them in a vase." Said Warren. Ariel hands her dad the roses so he could put them in a vase.

Paul offers his arm for Ariel and she takes it. "Ready?" He asks. "Yes sir." Said Ariel. "Have fun you two. But not too much fun." Said Warren playfully. "Oh Dad! You make me laugh!" Said Ariel. She waves to her parents and walks out the door while she and Paul link arms.

"So what would you like to do, love?" Paul asks. "Well it's such a beautiful night. I'm thinking we could go for a walk and take in the fresh air." Said Ariel. Paul smiles at the idea. "Sounds romantic." He says. They enter Paul's car as he finds a romantic location to go for a walk. Eventually they find a park that's all lit up so anyone who goes during the night can see better.

"Wow! It's beautiful at night!" Exclaims Ariel. "Yes. But not quite as beautiful as you." Said Paul. They exit the car to take in the view of the beautifully lit park. They walk hand in hand as the gentle breeze blows against their faces. A nearby bench eventually catches Ariel's eye and she tells Paul that she wants to sit down. Paul nods and they both sit down to take a quick break from so much walking.

"Having fun so far, Ariel?" Paul asks. "Yes, Paul. I love going for walks every now and then." Ariel answers. "I'm glad you think so. Because I really love spending time with you." Said Paul. His words once again gave Ariel butterflies in her stomach. At the same time, she couldn't help but smile. Ariel leans onto Paul's shoulder and he wraps his arm around her while he leans onto her head.

"Ariel, love, I have something I want to tell you." Paul says. "What is it?" Ariel asks. Paul clears his throat before speaking. "I know we haven't known each other for too long. But after meeting you, I... I'm in love with you." Ariel's eyes go wide. "You're in love with me?" She asks in a surprising but calm tone. "Yes I am." Paul said.

Ariel was at a loss for words. She knows that she's in love with him too. But she doesn't have the courage to tell him. "Since I'm doing Can't Help Falling In Love by Elvis Presley in the talent show, I can tell him how I feel in song." Ariel thinks to herself. She eventually changes the subject.

"Hey, so there's this talent show coming up next weekend. And I was hoping you could come to watch me perform." She says. "A talent show?" Paul asks. "Uh-huh. Would you like to come and watch me sing?" Ariel asks. Paul thinks for a moment. Eventually he speaks. "Of course I'll come! I'll bet you have a beautiful singing voice!" He said.

Ariel picks her head up and she and Paul lock eyes once more. He caresses her face and strokes her cheek with her thumb. They smile at each other and both of their heart rates pick up. Ariel just couldn't resist. This time, she leans in to kiss Paul and he returns the embrace. Their lips remain locked for a long amount of time. After they pull away, Ariel caresses Paul's face and strokes his cheek with her thumb in return.

Suddenly, Ariel feels her eyes starting to droop. "Tired, love?" Paul asks. Ariel tiredly nods. "I think it's about time I go to bed." She said. Paul stands up from the bench and offers his hand to Ariel. "Do you need help getting up?" He asks. "Yes please." Said Ariel. She grabs his hand and he helps her off the bench. She begins to stumble a little bit. "Here, wrap your arm around my neck and I'll help you to the car." Paul says as he offers to help Ariel walk. Ariel follows his instructions and he helps her to the car.

On the way back to Ariel's house, she falls asleep in Paul's car. She was still sleeping when they arrived at the house. Paul gently lifts her up and carries her into the house. Sylvia and Warren notice him carrying Ariel.

"Someone's tired." Warren whispers. "I'll say. Do any of you know where her room is?" Paul asks while keeping his voice down so he doesn't wake Ariel. "It'll be right in front of you when you walk up the stairs." Sylvia says. Paul nods and carries Ariel upstairs to her room. He gently lays her down onto her bed, takes off her shoes, and tucks her in. He then gives her a kiss on her cheek. "Good night, love." He whispers.

Paul walks towards the door and stops halfway to look at the sleeping figure of Ariel. He smiles to himself and thought that she looked beautiful when she slept. He quietly closes the door and walks back downstairs. He says good night to Ariel's parents and they say it back to him as he exits the house and drives back to his home.

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