Chapter 10 - One Month Tour

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Paul wakes up first the next morning. He grabs his jacket and puts it on. Knowing that Ariel might still be sleeping by the time he leaves, he writes her a quick note and tapes it onto her door. He gives her a kiss on her forehead and she doesn't wake up. "I love you, my darling Ariel." He whispers. He then caresses her face while a tear falls from his eye. Finally, he leaves the room, exits the house, and gets into his car. While his eyes were still filled with tears, he knew he had to keep his head held high for the sake of his fans.

When Paul reaches his house, he packed all of his things that he'll need while on tour. He then drives to the airport to meet the other Beatles. Once he gets there, he's greeted by the manager, Brian Epstein. "Ah, Paul! I'm so glad you're here!" He says. "Hi, Brian." Paul said sadly. Brian notices Paul's eyes all red and his face completely damp. "Have you been crying?" He asked. "I'm afraid so." Paul answers. "What's wrong? I thought you'd be excited for the tour!" Brian says. "I am excited. It's just that I'm going to miss my girlfriend very much." Paul said.

Brian puts a comforting hand on Paul's shoulder. "I understand. You're allowed to call her while we're away. You can even write to her if you want to." He said. "I'm planning on doing so as a matter of fact." Said Paul. "What's your girlfriend's name?" Brian asked "Her name is Ariel. Ariel Carson." Paul answered. "Oh that's a lovely name." Brian said. "Now come with me to meet the others so we don't miss our flight." He says. Paul nods at his words.

The other Beatles are sitting together laughing and joking. When they see Paul coming with Brian, they greet him with pats on the shoulder until they realize he's frowning. "Why the long face, Macca?" Asked John. "He's just sad that he won't see his girlfriend for a month." Said Brian. "Don't worry, Paul. You'll see her again soon." Said George as he pats Paul on his back. "I know how you feel, mate. I'm going to miss Natalie but I know I'll see her when the tour is over." Said Ringo. "I feel the same way about Anna." Said John. "Same with Kayla. I know how bummed she was when I told her I'll be gone for a month." George said.

"I appreciate you guys trying to cheer me up. But it just won't be the same without Ariel being here with me." Paul said as he starts to cry again. "Like I said, Paul, you're allowed to call her every night and you can write to her. I even told John, George, and Ringo the same thing." Brian said. The other Beatles nod in agreement and Paul gives a weak smile. When it was time to board the plane, they grabbed their things and went in to find their seats. As the plane took off, Paul looks out the window. "I won't forget you, my beautiful Ariel." He says as more tears fall from his eyes.

Back at Ariel's house, she wakes up without Paul next to her. She notices a note on her door, takes it off, and reads it.


I've gone to the airport. I didn't want to wake you up, so I'm telling you through a note. I'll always be thinking of you while I'm away. I promise I'll see you soon.

I love you,

Ariel's eyes fill with tears after she reads the note. She missed Paul already. She gets herself ready for the day and walks slowly and sadly downstairs. Her parents notice her sad face. "Awww what's the matter sweetie pie?" Sylvia asks. "Where's Paul? Didn't he stay overnight?" Asked Warren. "First, yes he did stay overnight. And second, he left earlier this morning because he's going to be on tour for a month." Ariel said. Both of her parents wrap her up in a hug. Her siblings enter the room and notice their embrace.

"What's going on in here?" Jacob asks. "Ariel's upset that she won't see Paul for a month." Said Sylvia. "A whole month?! Dang!" Said Lauren. "Cheer up, sis! We're here for you." Said Tony. The whole Carson family gathers into a group hug to cheer Ariel up. In the mid afternoon, Sylvia asks Anna, Natalie, and Kayla to come over and keep Ariel company, in which they do. They can understand her pain since their boyfriends are going on tour for a month as well. Whenever Ariel hangs out with her friends and feels sad, they always cheer her up with ice cream. It helped a little bit but the hole in her heart wasn't entirely fixed without Paul.

A few weeks went by and Ariel receives a phone call. When she picks up the phone, she could hardly believe her ears. "Hello?" She says first. "Hello my little sunflower!" The voice on the other end is Paul. "Paul?!" Ariel says with excitement. "Yes it's me." Paul said. "Oh it's so good to hear your voice!" Said Ariel. "The feeling is mutual." Said Paul. Ariel grins real big. "How's the tour?" She asks. "It's going great. But I miss you every day." Paul answers. "I do too." Ariel said. "Aside from the tour, how are you doing?" Paul asks. "Well, the first few days were a little rough but I'm cheering up more and more every day." Answered Ariel. "That's good to hear." Said Paul.

They talk for an hour. When it was time to hang up, they say their goodbyes and send their love to each other. After Ariel hangs up the phone, Sylvia comes to her with some mail. "You've got some mail, honey." She said. She hands her an envelope. "Thanks Mom." Ariel says. She opens up the envelope and sees that there's a letter from Paul. She reads it.

My dearest Ariel,

As I write this letter, send my love to you, remember that I'll always be in love with you.

Treasure these few words til we're together. Keep all my love forever. P.S. I love you.

I'll be coming home again to you, love. And til the day I do, love. P.S. I love you.

Forever yours,

Ariel couldn't help but cry happy tears after reading the letter as she remembers the song with the same words from the letter. Knowing that her darling Paul was coming home soon.

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