Chapter 30 - Another Tour

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Ariel and Paul have returned home from their honeymoon two weeks later. Ariel's family greets them as they walk through the door. "Here comes the happy couple!" Said Sylvia. "How was your trip to the Bahamas?" Asked Warren. "It was loads of fun! We even had a romantic suite all to ourselves." Ariel said. Paul wraps his arm around her. "The walks on the beach were something we enjoyed the most." He said. "Next time I go out with Michael, we'll think about going for walks on the beach." Said Lauren. Ariel pats her sister on the back.

"What else did you guys do?" Asked Tony. "Whenever it was a beautiful, starry night, we'd stare up at the sky. And I even played some songs that I've recently written on my guitar." Said Ariel. "So, what did we miss while we were away?" Paul asked. "I happen to have a girlfriend now." Said Jacob. Ariel smiles at her big brother. "What's her name? Is she nice? How did you meet?" She asked.

"Her name is Vanessa Collins, we met last week at The Porch House, and she's very nice. We have a date later tonight and she'll be coming over to pick me up. I'll introduce you when she gets here." Jacob said. Ariel and Paul continue talking about their honeymoon for the next few minutes. Later on, Paul goes off to the studio and brings Ariel with him. "Now, normally we have this rule saying that girlfriends and wives aren't allowed in the studio while we're working. But I'm going to bring you inside because the fellas would love to see you again." He explained.

The two enter the studio and find John, George, and Ringo with Brian. They look up when they see the couple. "Welcome back, Paul! How was your honeymoon?" Asked Brian. "It was so romantic!" Paul said. "By the way, I brought Ariel with me." He says. "Paul already explained the rule to me. I'm not planning on staying anyway." Ariel said. John, George, and Ringo each give Ariel a hug. "We missed you, Ariel." Said George. "Tell us all about your trip to the Bahamas." Said John. "I hear it's really nice there." Said Ringo.

Ariel and Paul spent the next few minutes telling the boys and Brian about their honeymoon. After they finished, Paul walks out with Ariel. "Where are you going, Paul?" Brian asked. "I'll be back. I'm going to drop Ariel off at her house." Said Paul. Brian nods as the two exit the studio. Paul drives Ariel home and drops her off. "Thanks for the ride." Said Ariel. "No problem, love. I'll see you later." Said Paul. They give each other a quick kiss on the lips before Paul drives away and goes back to the studio.

Ariel enters her house and grabs her guitar. She begins working on another song. Once finished, she goes over to see her friends and plays the two songs she recently wrote. "These sound amazing, Ariel!" Said Natalie. "And I've got even better news! We have another gig this weekend!" Said Anna excitedly. The girls cheer and clap. "This is awesome, Anna! I'm definitely gonna invite Paul to come watch!" Ariel said. "I'm inviting George for sure!" Said Kayla. "John will be so thrilled when I invite him!" Anna said. "And I'm pretty sure my Ringo would love to come see!" Natalie said. The girls spend the next few minutes celebrating.

Paul arrives at Ariel's house while Ariel was still with her friends. "Ariel, love, I'm home!" He said. "Ariel?" He hollered. He checks in her room and doesn't see her. Sylvia comes up from behind him. "Oh! Hello, Paul." She said. Paul jumps in surprise. "Sylvia! You surprised me!" He said. "Sorry about that, dear." Said Sylvia. "It's alright. Do you know where Ariel is?" Paul asks. "I think she's hanging out with her friends." Sylvia said. Paul breathes a sigh of relief. "Is something the matter?" Asked Sylvia. "Oh no. I was a little worried for a second." Said Paul. Sylvia puts a comforting hand on his shoulder. "There's nothing to be worried about. Besides, if Ariel was lost or in danger, that's the perfect time to be worried." She said. Paul nods and the sound of a door opening occurs.

"Hello?" It was Ariel's voice. Paul goes downstairs and sees her standing in the kitchen. "There you are!" He said. He lifts her up and kisses her on her cheek. "Did you really miss me that much?" Ariel asked with a smirk. "I guess you could say that." Paul said with a smile. "I've got exciting news actually. Rainbow Unicorn has another gig this weekend!" Ariel said. She squeals excitedly. She looks at Paul and realizes he's not smiling. "What's wrong, sweetheart? Aren't you happy for me?" She asked. "I am." Paul said. "Then why the long face?" Asked Ariel.

Paul's eyes fill with tears and he falls to his knees. Ariel rubs his back. "Come on, Paulie. Please tell me what's bothering you." She said. Paul tries to speak but his voice cracks. "The Beatles have another tour coming up." He said. "How is that a bad thing?" Ariel asked. "It's going to be longer than the last one." Said Paul. "How long are we talking about?" Asked Ariel. "Three months." Paul said. Ariel's face saddens a little bit. "When do you leave?" She asked. "We leave on Sunday." Said Paul. Ariel smiles a little bit. "That's where the good news comes in. The concert is on Saturday!" She said. Paul smiles and wraps his arms around her. "That means I can watch you perform then!" He said excitedly.

As the sun went down, the two decided to go for an evening stroll. They walk hand in hand through the night. After they get home, they get themselves ready for bed. Paul sits on the edge of Ariel's bed and buries his face in his hands. Ariel sits next to him and wraps her arm around him. "Are you okay?" She asked. "Not really." Paul said. "Is it the tour?" Asked Ariel. "Oh no, I'm looking forward to the tour. It's just that I'm going to miss you while I'm gone." Said Paul. "I understand, sweetie. I'll miss you too." Ariel said. She gives Paul a kiss on his cheek and he smiles. "I'll call you every night. I promise." He said.

They wrap themselves up in a hug for a few minutes. After they pull away, Ariel grabs her guitar. "Would a song make you feel better?" She asked. "It would. Thanks, love." Paul said. Ariel starts strumming and sings Can't Help Falling In Love. When she finished, Paul smiles. "Remember that one?" Asked Ariel. "Yes. That was when you confessed your feelings for me." Said Paul. "Exactly! I was so nervous to tell you when we went out the first few times after you told me your feelings for me." Ariel said. Paul nods and gives her a kiss on her forehead.

Ariel puts her guitar away and she gets under the covers followed by Paul. They kiss each other on the lips before wrapping their arms around each other and drifting off to sleep.

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