Chapter 32 - On The Phone With Paul

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Ariel hangs out with her friends the next day at her house. They didn't have band practice. Instead, they all have ice cream. Which is something Ariel's friends do every time she feels sad. They get different flavors each. Ariel always gets chocolate, Anna gets Vanilla, Kayla gets strawberry, and Natalie gets mint.

Suddenly, the phone rings. Ariel picks it up. "Hello?" She answered. "My beautiful wife! It's so good to hear your voice!" Paul's voice said on the other line. "Hi, Paul! How's it going down there?" Asked Ariel. "I'm enjoying it so far. But I miss you at the same time." Said Paul. "That's understandable, baby." Ariel said. "How about you? What are you doing?" Asked Paul. "I'm chilling at home, having ice cream, and the girls are here." Answered Ariel. "They are? That's great!" Paul said. "Can you put John on? Anna wants to talk to him." Ariel asked. "Sure I can." Said Paul.

Ariel gives the phone to Anna while on the other side, Paul hands it to John. "Hello?" His voice said. "John?" Anna said. "Yes, Anna, it's me. How are you?" John asked. "So and so. I started missing you like CRAZY after I woke up." Said Anna. "I don't blame you, love. I miss you too." Said John. "Are you enjoying yourself on tour?" Asked Anna. "Yes. Paul and I are writing more songs as we go along." John said. "That's good, Johnny. Would mind putting George on? I'm pretty sure Kayla wants to talk to him." Anna asked. "Of course I can." Said John.

Anna gives Kayla the phone while on the other side, John gives the phone to George. "Hello?" Kayla said. "Kayla?" George's voice said on the other side. "Hi George." Said Kayla. "My beautiful girl. I'm so glad to hear your voice!" Said George. "How's the tour going for you?" Asked Kayla. "Oh, you know, we may be moving around a lot. But it's totally worth it. I'm proud to be a singer." George said. "I love your positive attitude, Georgie." Said Kayla. "I hope you're doing okay while I'm gone." Said George. "Yeah, but at the same time, I miss you." Kayla said. "I totally get it, honey. I miss you as well." George said. "Do you think you can put Ringo on? Natalie wants to talk to him." Asked Kayla. "Certainly." Said George.

Kayla gives the phone to Natalie while on the other side, George gives the phone to Ringo. "Hello?" His voice says. "Is that you, Ringo?" Asked Natalie. "Yes it is, Natalie. How are you doing?" Ringo said. "I miss you for one thing. But I'm hanging in there while you're gone." Natalie said. "I miss you too, sweetie. I completely understand." Said Ringo. "Are you having fun on tour so far?" Asked Natalie. "I am. We're a great team, all four of us." Ringo said. "That's great, dear. Now would you put Paul back on? I have a feeling he wants to talk to Ariel some more." Natalie said. "No problem." Said Ringo.

Natalie gives the phone back to Ariel while on the other side, Ringo gives the phone back to Paul. "Paul, honey?" Ariel said. "I'm here, love." Said Paul. "I hope you enjoy the rest of the tour." Said Ariel. "Thank you, Ariel. I'll see you soon, my darling." Paul said. "Okay, sweetheart. I love you." Ariel said. "I love you too." Said Paul. Ariel hangs up the phone and turns back to her friends. They hang out for a few more hours until they had to leave.

When it was dark outside, Ariel sat outside on her porch and looks up at the sky. The stars were shining like diamonds. "If only Paul was here to look at the stars with me. Ariel said to herself. She felt her eyes fill with tears. Before they fell down her cheeks, she wiped them away. "Be strong, Ariel. Paul wouldn't want you to be sad or cry." She says to herself again.

After a few more minutes, Ariel gets ready for bed. After getting under the covers, the tears come back. Before having the chance to wipe them away, she lets her emotions out. Even though it's been one day since Paul was gone, she missed him terribly. So she spent the rest of the night crying in her sleep.

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