Chapter 28 - A Candlelit Dinner

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The next day, Ariel goes on a morning stroll with Paul for the first time as a married couple. As they turn a corner, they see Travis waving at them. "Good morning newlyweds!" He said. "Hi, Travis. How did you know about the wedding?" Asked Ariel. "I was there." Said Travis. "Oh. We didn't even see you." Said Paul. "Hey, no worries. It was a little crowded after a while. Anyway, Paul, I heard you were in the hospital last week." Travis said. "I was. But I'm glad to be out of there and back with my beautiful Ariel." Paul said.

"Winifred came to me and told me about how happy she was about running you off the road." Said Travis. Paul and Ariel stare at him wide eyed. "How do you know about Winifred crashing Paul's car?!" Ariel asked in shock. "She's my neighbor. And she practically drives me crazy!" Travis said. "Didn't you call the police after she told you?" Asked Paul. "Yes I did. But unfortunately she's still on the run from them." Said Travis. "Well thanks for doing that." Said Ariel. "No problem. She won't be hurting you two anymore after the cops catch her." Travis said.

The couple waves to Travis and continue on their stroll. Winifred comes up to him and shakes him. "Travis, Travis! You're not gonna believe this! The man I love, Paul McCartney is married to that peasant!" She said. "Yes, Winifred, I know! But I'm not gonna break them up!" Said Travis. "WHAT?!?!" Winifred said in shock. "I'm not in my possessive stage anymore! I learned a valuable lesson after almost trying to hurt Paul!" Travis said. Winifred crosses her arms. "UGH!!! Why do I have to do everything myself?!" She yelled.

Sirens echo through the street. Winifred was about to run away but Travis grabs her arm before she could escape. "Winifred Marsh, you're under arrest for trying to murder Paul McCartney of The Beatles!" One cop said. He pulls out his handcuffs and puts them onto Winifred's wrists. "Let go of me!" She said. "You have the right to remain silent! If you give up this right, anything you say can and will be held against you!" Another cop said. They drag Winifred to their car. Travis follows them.

"Thank you so much, Officer!" He said. "No problem, kid. We've been searching for this crazy lady for a while now." The third cop said. The police cars drive away with Winifred now going to jail.

Meanwhile, the happy couple returns to Ariel's house. "Paul, honey, I'm gonna go see the girls for a little bit." Ariel said. "Alright, love. I'll see you later then." Paul said. He gives Ariel a quick kiss before she leaves. As Ariel makes her way to see her friends, Travis comes running up to her. "Ariel! Ariel! I have good news!" He said. "What's up, Travis?" Ariel asked. "The cops finally found Winifred and arrested her!" Said Travis excitedly. "Oh my gosh! That's awesome!" Said Ariel jumping for joy. "I know right?! I'm so glad she's out of our hair!" Travis said. "Anyway, I'm on my way to see my friends. Thanks for letting me know." Ariel said. "Anytime, madame." Said Travis.

Ariel waves to Travis and continues on her way to her friends. They greet her when they see her. "Hey, Ari!" Said Kayla. "We heard sirens earlier. Was there a fire?" Asked Anna. "No, no. It was the police. They finally found the girl who ran Paul off the road last week." Said Ariel. "Who was it?" Asked Natalie. "It was my new friend Travis's neighbor, Winifred." Ariel said. "WHAT?!?!" The girls all said. "Why would she go out of her way and try to hurt him?" Asked Kayla. "Well, she was jealous of Paul and I being together and wanted him all to herself. After he refused, she vowed to get revenge. When she crashed into Paul's car and ran him off the road, she told me that she was trying to kill him!" Ariel explained.

All of her friends gasp. "Sheesh! No wonder that girl has issues!" Said Anna. "Now that she's behind bars, I no longer have to worry about her trying to ruin my love for Paul." Said Ariel. "That's good. You and Paul make such a cute couple." Natalie said. Ariel chats with her friends for another hour until it was time for her to go. The sun was already setting as she made her way back home.

When she enters her house, she sees the lights turned off, candles lit up on the kitchen table, and a well prepared meal. There's even a radio playing romantic music. Paul enters the room and smiles when he sees Ariel. "A candlelit dinner?!" Ariel said excitedly. "I worked on this whole thing while you were out." Said Paul. "Oh, Paul! You're the best!" Said Ariel. She wraps him up into a tight hug and kisses him. "I had a feeling you'd love this. And I know how much you enjoy romantic nights with me." Paul said. Ariel smiles as she and Paul sit down to enjoy a romantic, candlelit dinner. Once they finished, they stand up from the table.

"I have one more surprise for you, love." Said Paul. He pulls out two tickets. Ariel smiles when she sees them. "Two tickets for a trip to the Bahamas?!" She said excitedly. "I figured we could go there for our honeymoon." Said Paul. "How did I ever get so lucky to have you as a husband?" Ariel asked. Paul smiles and sweeps Ariel off her feet. "I feel the same way about having you as a wife." He said.

Later on, Ariel and Paul step out into the starry night. This time, they sit on a bench that's in front of Ariel's house. Paul wraps his arm around Ariel while she leans on his shoulder. "This has been one of the greatest days of my life!" Said Ariel. "Oh yeah?" Paul asked. "Of course! A candlelit dinner, a trip to the Bahamas for our honeymoon, and spending time with my special husband." Ariel said.

They stare at the sky for a little while longer until it was bedtime. They get themselves ready and sit on Ariel's bed. Paul sees her writing in her songbook. "Working on another song?" He asked. "Yeah. I might play it for the girls next time we have band practice." Said Ariel. "Would you play it for me some time?" Asked Paul. "Heck yeah I will! But in the meantime, we should get some sleep." Ariel said. Paul nods and they both drift off to sleep wrapped in a warm embrace.

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