Chapter 8 - Finally Dating

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Ariel wakes up first while Paul was still fast asleep. She gently removes herself from Paul's grasp so she doesn't wake him up. Before exiting her room to wash up, she gives Paul a quick peck on his cheek and gently caresses his face. He stirs a little bit and smiles but he still doesn't wake up. Ariel smiles at her sleeping boyfriend, grabs some fresh clothes, and walks into the bathroom to get changed and washed up. She walks back into her room and sees that Paul is still sleeping. So she decides to let him sleep in a little more. She quietly closes her door and walks downstairs.

"Good morning my dear Ariel!" Warren said as he gives his daughter a hug. "Morning, Dad." Ariel says back. Warren notices that Paul isn't next to her. "Where's Paul?" He asks. "He's still sleeping." Ariel said. "Oh. He must've had a long night." Warren said. "Yeah maybe." Said Ariel as she shrugs her shoulders. She grabs herself a glass of water and puts it on the table. Minutes later, Ariel decides to go back upstairs and check on Paul. She quietly opens the door to her room and sees that Paul is wide awake.

"Hey, you!" Ariel said as she walks over to him a hug. She gives him a kiss on the lips too. "Good morning!" Paul says with a smile. Ariel sits down on the bed next to him. "Decided to sleep in huh?" She asked. "Yeah. I must've gotten all the energy knocked out me after yesterday." Said Paul. Ariel giggles. "That's totally understandable Paulie." She said as she snuggles into Paul's shoulder and he wraps his arm around her. After a short cuddle, they both stand up from the bed, Paul puts on his suit jacket, and combs his hair. After that, they both go downstairs for breakfast. "Ah, there you are Paul!" Said Warren. "I went back up to check on him and saw that he was awake." Said Ariel. "Perfect timing too. I just made pancakes for everyone!" Said Sylvia.

"Did someone say pancakes?" Jacob said just then. "That would be me, Jacob, sweetie." Sylvia said. "Sweet! Pancakes!" Said Tony as he rushes down the steps. "Wait for me!" Yelled Lauren. Ariel, Paul, and Ariel's family sit down and enjoy their platefuls of pancakes. They happily chat while they eat. "Lauren, Tony, Jacob, I've got some news to share with you three." Said Ariel. "What's your news?" Tony asks. "Mom and Dad already know for starters." Ariel says. "Ooooooh I bet I know where this is going!" Lauren said. "Can it, Lauren! Go ahead, Ariel." Said Jacob.

Ariel looks over at Paul and smiles at him while he smiles back. She looks back to her siblings and speaks up. "Paul and I are dating!" She says excitedly. "NO WAY!!!" All of Ariel's siblings say. "Your sister is speaking the truth." Said Paul. Jacob, Lauren, and Tony just stare with their jaws dropped open and their eyes wide. Ariel rolls her eyes at them.

"Come on you three! Aren't you happy for your sister?" Said Sylvia. "Yeah! She deserves a soulmate!" Said Warren. Ariel's siblings fall backwards in their seats and faint. Ariel slaps her forehead in frustration. "Oh for Pete's sake!" She said. "They're probably in shock that you're dating a Beatle." Said Paul. "Yeah, you're right." Ariel said. She, Paul, and her parents continue to eat their pancakes.

Lauren, Jacob, and Tony eventually wake up after being out cold for about ten minutes. After everyone finishes their breakfast, Paul and Ariel step outside for some fresh air. They sit down on the porch while Paul pulls out a cigarette and lights it up. He takes the first drag and a puff of smoke comes out of his mouth before he starts a conversation with Ariel.

"You don't mind, do you?" He asks. "Oh no. Go right ahead. I don't have asthma luckily." Ariel said. Paul nods and takes another drag of his cigarette. He turns away from Ariel and lets out another puff of smoke so it doesn't get in her face. With his free hand, he takes Ariel's hand and kisses it. "You wanna know what I love about you?" Ariel asks. "What do you love about me, my sweet girlfriend?" Asked Paul. "Well for starters, you have the most adorable face I've ever seen." Ariel said as she caresses Paul's face and strokes his cheek with her thumb.

Paul smiles at Ariel's words. "Aren't you sweet!" He says. "Not only that, but I love the way you sing, and how you're very sweet and caring. But I love you most of all." Said Ariel. She leans in and kisses Paul on his cheek. She smiles at him after that. Paul smiles back. He then throws his cigarette on the ground and stomps it out. "You ready to head back inside?" Ariel asked.

Paul was quiet for a moment. Then he answers, "Actually, love, I'm going to go back home. But I promise you we'll go out again soon." He said. Ariel's smile fades into a frown. At the same time, she knew she had to be understanding. "Okay." She said. She gives him a quick hug and he returns the embrace. "I love you." She said. "I love you too, sweetheart." Paul said. He stands up, walks back to his car, and drives away.

Ariel walks back into her house, goes up to her room, and grabs her guitar. She starts to sing Love Me Tender by Elvis Presley. When she finishes singing, she strums some more and her thoughts are brought back to Paul. Ever since she became his girlfriend, she's been thinking about him 24/7. And who can blame her?

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