Chapter 35 - Ariel's Birthday

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The date is now October 13, 1963. It's Ariel's 19th birthday. Ariel goes for her morning stroll alone because Paul said he had "work" to do around the house. What he's really doing is helping Ariel's family decorate the house for a surprise party. While Ariel is taking her walk, she runs into Travis.

"Morning, Ariel!" He said. "Oh! Hi Travis. What brings you out here this morning?" Ariel asked. "Nothing really. I just wanted to take in the fresh air." Said Travis. "Ah. It's my birthday today, by the way." Said Ariel. "Well, happy birthday!" Travis said. He and Ariel talked for a little while longer until Ariel continued on her stroll.

When Ariel arrived home, all the lights were out. "Hey, where did everybody go?" She said. Suddenly, all the lights turn on and a everyone jumps out. "SURPRISE!!!!!!" They yelled. Ariel jumps back in shock. "Happy birthday, Ariel!" Said Paul. "Oh my gosh! This is amazing!" Said Ariel excitedly. All of her friends are there including the other three Beatles.

When it was time for presents, everyone gave Ariel her gifts. When it was Paul's turn, he and the others pull out their instruments. John and George pull out acoustic guitars, Ringo pulls out bongo drums, and Paul pulls out his bass. "I'm guessing you have a song for me?" Ariel asked. "I sure do. John and I worked on it together and we're planning on putting it on one of our albums for next year." Paul said. John nods in agreement at Paul's words. The boys start playing the song while Paul sings.

I give her all my love
That's all I do
And if you saw my love
You'd love her too
I love her

She gives me everything
And tenderly
The kiss my lover brings
She brings to me
And I love her

A love like ours
Could never die
As long as I
Have you near me

Bright are the stars that shine
Dark is the sky
I know this love of mine
Will never die
And I love her

Bright are the stars that shine
Dark is the sky
I know this love of mine
Will never die
And I love her

Everyone applauds after they finish. Ariel wipes tears from her eyes and smiles. She wraps Paul into a tight hug. "That was the most touching song I've ever heard! Did you mean everything you said?" She said. Paul kisses Ariel on her forehead. "Of course I did. I love you and I never want our love to end." He said. Ariel hugs him again. Hours later, the party ended. Ariel thanked all of her friends for coming and helped her parents take down the decorations. Once finished, She and Paul sit on the porch for some fresh air. "Thank you again for the song. I really loved it." Ariel said. "You're welcome, baby girl." Paul said.

Ariel leans onto Paul's shoulder while he wraps his arm around her. "There's something I want you to know." He said. "What's that?" Asked Ariel. "My love for you is real. And no matter where I go, I'll never stop loving you. And I mean never." Said Paul. Ariel smiles. "Oh, Paul!" She said. Paul turns Ariel's face towards him and kisses her lips. When they pull away, they smile at each other. "So, did you have a nice birthday?" Asked Paul. "Absolutely." Ariel said. "The surprise party was my idea by the way. I wanted to throw you one in return after you did one for me." Paul said. "It means a lot to me, Paulie. Thank you." Said Ariel. "Anything for my beautiful wife. You and I were totally meant to be." Said Paul. Ariel kisses him on his cheek.

A few minutes later, they get ready for bed. "I can't thank you enough for that song you and John wrote. I can already hear it playing over and over in my head." Ariel said. "That's good. It shows that you really loved the song. The same thing happened to me when you sang on my birthday." Paul said. "That's one day I'll never forget." Said Ariel. She and Paul hug each other and stay in that embrace for five minutes. After they let go, they climb into bed. "Good night, Paul, my darling." Ariel said. "Good night, Ariel, my angel." Said Paul. And they fall asleep after holding each other in their arms.

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