Chapter 15 - Moving In

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Morning came and Ariel woke up with excitement. She knew that Paul was moving in to live with her. After getting dressed and washed up, she dances down the steps with a smile on her face. "Someone's happy this morning." Said Lauren. "Paul's moving in with us today!" Ariel said excitedly. Lauren's eyes grow wide. "You're kidding!" She yelled. "No I'm not kidding! It's the truth!" Said Ariel. "I don't believe you." Lauren says with her arms crossed.

Sylvia enters the room. "Lauren, your sister is speaking the truth." She said. Lauren's jaw drops open. "How is that possible?!" She asks in shock. "Mom and Dad have noticed how happy I've been ever since Paul and I started dating. So they considered letting him move in so we can be together every day." Ariel said. She hears a car horn honk from outside. "That's him!" She said.

Ariel opens the door to greet Paul. He sees her and gives her a hug. "Great to see you as always, Ariel!" He said. "Do you need any help with your stuff?" Ariel asks. "That would be great, love. Thank you." Said Paul. They spend the next hour moving Paul's stuff into the house. After a while, they collapse onto the couch and wipe the sweat from their faces. "Phew! That was a lot of work!" Ariel said. "It sure was! But at least I'm officially moved in." Paul said. Ariel nods in agreement. "I need some air. Would you care to join me, Paulie?" She asks. "I'd be glad to. Besides, I'm going to have a smoke for a little bit anyway." Paul answers.

The two walk out the door and into the starry night. Paul takes a cigarette and lighter out of his jacket pocket and starts to take a drag. He lets out a puff of smoke after that. Ariel looks up at the sky. "The stars look so beautiful tonight!" She said. "They certainly do." Said Paul. A silhouetted figure approaches them. "Who's that?" Ariel asks in fear. "I don't know. It better not be a burglar." Paul said. The two back up in fear. "Don't be afraid." Said a familiar voice. When light shines on the face, it's revealed to be Travis.

"H-hi." He said shyly. "What are you doing here, Travis?" Asked Ariel. "I'm here because I wanted to tell Paul I'm sorry for shooting him yesterday. I just lost it when I saw you two together the other night." Said Travis. "You're forgiven, Travis. Besides, I nearly scared poor Ariel to death when I was close to dying." Paul said as he wraps his arm around Ariel. He takes another drag from his cigarette. "I understand completely. I was scared myself when I shot you. But I can assure you I'm no longer a threat to you both." Travis said.

"You may not believe me when I say this but Paul was healed by an angel after he was shot." Ariel said. "An angel healed him?" Said Travis with a surprised look. Ariel nods and explains the situation. "The angel's name was Lucinda. And she had very powerful magic that could heal wounds of any kind with just one touch. She even gave him an angel's kiss to bring him back." She said.

Travis scratches his head after Ariel finished explaining. "Very interesting." He said. "You don't believe me, do you?" Ariel asks. "I'm not saying I don't believe you. I'm just saying that's some story you told." Said Travis. "Anyway, I've decided to give you a second chance, have us start over, and be friends." Said Ariel. A smile appears on Travis's face. "You mean that?!" He asks excitedly. Ariel nods. "Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!!" Travis says as he jumps for joy. "I better get home now. My family is probably looking for me. Thanks again, Ariel." He says. He waves to Ariel and rushes to get home.

Ariel turns her attention back to Paul, who takes yet another drag of his cigarette. "You're awfully quiet. Are you okay?" She asks. "I'm okay, love. I was just thinking." Paul answers. "About what, sweetie?" Asked Ariel. "A lot of things. But mostly, I've been thinking about you. I worry about you sometimes." Said Paul. "Why is that?" Ariel asks. "Remember when Travis was in his possessive stage and he tried to take you away from me?" Paul asked. "I remember." Ariel said. "When I heard you call me for help, I was terrified to hear that you were in trouble. If something bad happens to you, I'd never forgive myself." Paul says as he lowers his head shamefully.

Ariel places a comforting hand on his shoulder. "I know how you feel. After you were shot yesterday, I was super afraid of losing you." She said. Paul wraps Ariel up into a hug. "You're never going to lose me, love. I'm always going to stay by your side whenever you need me." He said. Ariel smiles and gives Paul a kiss on his cheek. "What did I do to deserve you?" She asked. "You were just... you." Paul said as he gives Ariel a kiss in return.

"Ready to go back in?" Asked Ariel. "Yeah. Just give me minute." Answered Paul. He takes one more drag of his cigarette, throws it onto the ground, and stomps it out. "Now I'm ready." He said. Ariel takes his hand as they walk back inside the house. "Who were you two talking to out there?" Sylvia asks. "His name is Travis. He came over to apologize for being so possessive." Ariel said. "He was the one who also trapped her against a wall, squeezed her wrists, and tried to kiss her. But he said he's no longer a threat because he knew his actions were so childish." Said Paul.

"I see. And you both forgave him?" Asked Sylvia. Paul and Ariel nod. "He deserved forgiveness." Said Ariel. She yawns after that. "Tired?" Paul asks. "Yeah. I'm definitely ready to hit the hay." Ariel said. "I don't blame you, love. Moving all my stuff in was pretty tiring." Said Paul. Ariel gives her mom a hug and kiss good night. "Where's Dad?" She asked. "He's in bed already. He had a pretty long day himself." Said Sylvia. "Ah. I guess I'm not the only one who had a long day." Ariel said. She walks back over to Paul and takes his hand as they go upstairs.

Ariel changes into her pajamas while Paul changes into his in the bathroom. He comes back into the room and sits down next to Ariel on her bed. She leans onto his shoulder. "Paul?" She asks. "Yes, Ariel?" Paul answers. "When's your next tour?" Asked Ariel. "Not for a while. Why do you ask?" Paul asks. "I was just curious, love." Said Ariel.

An idea sparks into Paul's mind. "You know, ever since you've been playing the guitar, you should consider forming your own band." He said. Ariel's eyes grow wide. "My own band?!" She asked in shock. "Sure. Think about it, you and your friends, Anna, Kayla, and Natalie could get together, come up with a band name, write your own songs, and pick out your instruments." Said Paul. A big smile forms on Ariel's face. "Paul, you're a genius!" She said wrapping Paul up into a hug. "I'm planning on hanging out with them tomorrow and I'll tell them what you told me. I'm sure they'll be thrilled with the idea of being a band." She says. "That's my girl." Paul said as he pulls Ariel in to kiss her on the lips. After they pull away, they both drift off to sleep with their arms wrapped around each other.

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