Chapter 13 - Paul Gets Shot

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Ariel stands on the sidewalk and sees a dead body at a faraway distance. She walks towards it to have a better look. When she realizes who it is, her eyes widen with fear and she lets out a loud gasp.

"No! It can't be!" She yelled. She drops to her knees and cradles Paul's lifeless body into her arms. "Paul, please don't be dead! I need you!" She cried. Ariel then notices a stain of blood on his white shirt. She assumed the worst and it was correct. Paul was dead. Ariel starts to cry into Paul's shoulder until a figure holding a knife approaches Ariel.

"Travis?!" Ariel said in shock. "That's right, my dear!" Travis said. "You killed him!! Why did you do that?!" Ariel asks with her sadness turning into anger. "I did it so I could get closer to you. Now that he's dead, you are MINE!!!!!!" Said Travis with a wicked grin on his face. "NOOOOOOOOO!!!" Ariel yelled.

Ariel wakes up with a start and gasps. Her breathing picks up super fast and Paul wakes up next to her. "Ariel, what happened?!" He asks with fear. Ariel wraps her arms around Paul and starts to cry. "I had a nightmare! You were dead! Travis killed you!" She says through her tears.

Paul wraps his arms around Ariel and tries to comfort her. "Shhh, it's okay, love. I'm still alive and that's all that matters. And that boy, Travis we saw last night, he may be an obsessed fan, but I don't see him as a murderer." He said. "Maybe you're right." Ariel said starting to calm down. "Now try to get some sleep, okay?" Paul said. Ariel nods and falls back to sleep more peacefully as Paul wraps his arms around her.

Ariel and Paul wake up at the same time this morning. "How do you feel, love?" Paul asks. "I feel a lot better now that I took my mind off of that nightmare." Said Ariel. "That's good to hear. Do you feel like going for a morning stroll?" Asked Paul. "I think so. I could use some fresh air, anyway." Ariel said.

Paul steps out of Ariel's room so she could get dressed. After that, Ariel goes into the bathroom to wash up. Once she finished, Paul goes in to to comb his hair. After they're both pampered and ready for the day, they go downstairs to go for a walk.

"Hi Mom, Hi Dad! Paul and I are going for a walk." Ariel said. "Okay, sweetheart. Have fun." Said Sylvia. Ariel and Paul walk out the door and start their morning stroll. While they were walking, they hear footsteps. "Someone's following us!" Said Ariel. "Who could be out here so early in the morning? Besides us, that is." Said Paul. "We should split up and look around. We'll stand a better chance that way." Ariel said. Paul nods while they go in opposite directions to find who's following them.

While Ariel looks around, someone comes up from behind, grabs her, and covers her mouth before she had a chance to react. She gets pulled into a nearby alley. "Let go of me!" She yelled! "I don't think so!" A voice said. Ariel knew there was something familiar about that voice. "Is that you, Travis?!" She asked. "Yes it is." Said Travis. He pushes Ariel up against a wall and squeezes her wrists so she can't move them.

"What do you want?!" Ariel asks angrily. "You know what I want!" Said Travis. "No I don't!! Tell me!!!" Said Ariel. "I want you!!!" Travis said. "Well you can't have me! I'm dating Paul McCartney! And there's nothing you can do to break us up!!!" Ariel said. "Oh yeah?! I can and I will! Once that McCartney is out the picture, I'll be keeping you all to myself!!!" Travis snarled. Ariel tries to break free from his grasp but he's too strong. Travis starts to lean in and tries to kiss Ariel.

"PAUL!!! HELP ME!!!!!!" Ariel screamed. Paul rushes to help her and sees that Travis is trying to kiss her. "Let her go!" He yelled. Travis stops at the sound of Paul's voice. "What are you gonna do if I don't, McCartney?" He says with a smirk. "Trust me, you don't want to know." Paul says with a dangerous look on his face. Travis starts to flee. Paul approaches Ariel, who's trying to catch her breath.

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