Chapter 22 - Lucinda Returns

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Paul was driving home from the studio. When he enters Ariel's house, he notices that Ariel is laying lifelessly on the ground in a pool of blood. Standing over her is Winifred holding a gun.

"What have you done to my fiancé?!" Paul asked angrily. "I killed her. If I'm gonna keep you all to myself, she needs to be out of our way." Said Winifred. Paul drops to his knees and cradles Ariel's dead body into his arms.

"Bring her back!" He said as his voice cracks. "No." Winifred said. "I mean it, Winifred! BRING... HER... BACK!!!!!!" Paul shouts angrily. "NO!!! She's dead and you need to accept it! Not only that, you're all MINE!!!!!!" Said Winifred. Paul breaks down into tears crying over Ariel's lifeless body.

"ARIEL!!!" Paul yells as he jolts awake. Ariel wakes up beside him. "Paul, what's wrong?!" She asked. Paul was white as a sheet and his breathing was out of control. "Paul, darling, look at me." Ariel said. Paul looks at Ariel and wraps her into a tight hug. "Thank goodness you're still here!" He said. "Of course I'm still here. What's the matter?" Asked Ariel. Paul was too afraid to speak. Eventually, he does. "I had the worst nightmare ever!" He cried. "There, there, sweetheart. What did you dream?" Ariel asked as she rubs his back.

Paul's voice was trembling as he spoke. "I... I dreamt that I was coming home from the studio and I saw you dead on the floor. Winifred killed you." He said. "I told you not to let her get to you. She's not gonna go anywhere near you as long as I'm here." Ariel said. Paul smiles and kisses Ariel on her cheek. "Thank you, love. I really needed this." He said. "Do you feel okay to go back to sleep?" Asked Ariel. "I do now." Said Paul. He and Ariel eventually fall asleep again.

Hours later, they wake up. They get themselves ready for the day, have their breakfast, and go out for a morning stroll. Once again, Winifred strikes back and appears in front of the couple. "Ha! I told you I'd be back!" She cackled. Paul was about to attack her but Ariel holds her arm out in front of him. "No, hon! I got this!" She said. Ariel marches up to Winifred with an angry look on her face.

"Alright, Winifred, I wanna know why you want my fiancé so badly!" She growled. "Ever since I heard about you getting together with him, it made me jealous! I've had a crush on Paul for a long time!" Winifred said. "Well now it's too late for you! When I met Ariel, I fell in love with her! And there's nothing you can do to take me away from her!" Said Paul.

"Oh really?! Who's gonna stop me?!" Said Winifred. She pulls out a knife, grabs Ariel's hands so she can't move them, and stabs her in the stomach. "NO!!!!!!" Paul yelled. Winifred throws Ariel onto the ground and grabs Paul by his tie. "Now I can have you all to myself!" She said wickedly. She's inches away from Paul's lips. Once Paul feels her lips on him, he pushes her away.

"Who do you think you are?! Trying to steal me away from the woman I love, getting violent, and using weapons! Violence is never the answer to ANYTHING!!!!!!" He yelled. Winifred's eyes fill with tears. But instead, she gets super angry. "Fine! If you wanna stay with that disgusting thing, keep her! But mark my words, you're gonna pay for making me jealous! And I'll get my revenge someday!" She screamed. She gives Paul a dirty look and walks away.

Paul feels his heart pounding in his chest after the confrontation with Winifred. He turns around and sees Ariel laying lifeless on the ground. "No! This has to be a dream!" He said. He cradles Ariel in his arms and shakes her to try to wake her up. "Ariel, love, wake up! I can't live without you! Don't leave me, please!" He begged. "Help somebody! I need help!" He hollers. No one could hear him. He breaks down into tears.

A glow appears from the sky. Lucinda the angel floats down towards Paul. "Paul McCartney?" She said. Paul looks up and sees her. "Are you Lucinda?" He asks. "I am. I also heard you calling for help." Said Lucinda. "It's my fiancé. She's been stabbed by a possessive fan girl who wants me all to herself." Said Paul. "Lucky for you, I can use my powers to help her." Lucinda said. Paul smiles. "Oh, thank you! You'll never know how much I appreciate your help!" He says excitedly. "Please stand back while I work my magic." Said Lucinda.

Paul steps back so Lucinda can work her magic. She places both of her hands on Ariel's wound and gives her an angel's kiss. "Now she should wake up in a matter of minutes." She said. "I can't thank you enough, Lucinda! This means a lot to me!" Paul said. "No problem, Paul. It is now time for me to return to heaven. But I wish you the best of luck." Said Lucinda. She floats back into the sky and disappears.

While Paul looks up at the sky, he doesn't notice that Ariel is waking up. "Oh, my head." She said. She sees Paul looking into the sky. She gets up and taps on his shoulder. When he turns around, he smiles real big. "Ariel, my darling!" He said. He sweeps Ariel into a big hug. "Where's Winifred?" Asked Ariel. "After I confronted her, she ran away." Said Paul. "Not only that, Lucinda came not long ago and healed you." He said.

"Lucinda was here?!" Ariel asked in shock. "Yes. I got to see her myself this time." Paul said. "I remember her! She came to heal you after you got shot by Travis while he was in his possessive stage." Ariel said. "But now, we don't have to worry about that anymore since he regretted the way he acted." Said Paul. Ariel nods and wraps her arms around Paul hugging him.

When night came, the two got ready for bed. Ariel sees Paul lost in thought standing by the window. She walks over to him and takes his hand. "What are you thinking about?" She asked. "There's something going on in my mind that's been kind of bugging me since yesterday." Paul said. "Winifred?" Asked Ariel. "Worse than that actually." Said Paul. "What is it?" Ariel asked. "Would you ever leave me for another man?" Paul asks with his voice cracking. "What?! Never! Why would you ask such a thing?!" Asked Ariel in shock. "When Winifred cornered me yesterday, she claimed that you weren't good enough for me. And that I'd be crawling over to her if you left me." Said Paul as a tear falls from his eye.

Ariel turns his face towards her. "Honey, you're my fiancé now! I would never think about leaving you for another man! I love you way too much to do that!" She said. Paul smiles and pulls her in for a hug. They smile at each other after they pull away. "Ready for bed?" Asked Ariel. "Yeah, I'm ready." Paul said. The happy couple climbs into Ariel's bed and they drift off to sleep with their arms wrapped around each other.

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