Chapter 6 - Another Romantic Night

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Ariel and Paul reach the same destination from last night and exit Paul's car. They once again walk hand in hand across the beautiful scenery. When they find that same bench, they decided to give their legs some rest for a few minutes. Paul starts making conversation as they sit.

"So how's talent show practice coming along?" He asks. "It's great actually. I'm very excited to perform next weekend!" Ariel said. "I've never had the chance to ask you what you're doing." Paul said. "Oh! I'm gonna be singing and playing the guitar to an Elvis Presley song." Said Ariel. "You play the guitar?!" Paul asks in surprise. "Yeah. I've been doing that since I was 12." Ariel says. "That's amazing, love!" Paul says.

While they were still talking, a voice calls out for Ariel. It was Kayla. "ARIEL!!! ARIEL!!!" She hollered. "Who was that?" Paul wondered. "That's my friend Kayla. Remember her?" Ariel asks. "Oh yeah. I remember meeting her on the same day I met you." Paul said. "OVER HERE KAYLA!!!" Ariel calls. Kayla makes her way over to Ariel and Paul accompanied by someone. "Who's that with her?" Ariel asks. Paul tried to see who's with her until he recognizes the figure. "It's George!" He says. "They must be on a date too!" Ariel said.

Kayla and George reach Ariel and Paul sitting on the bench. "Hey girl!" Ariel greets Kayla. "Hey Ari! Hi Paul!" Kayla greets the couple. "And nice to see you again George." Ariel said. "You too, Ariel." Said George. "What are you guys up to this evening?" Paul asks. "George and I are going out to dinner. We saw you guys on our way over and we figured we'd come over and say hello." Kayla said. "Well that was very nice of you." Said Ariel.

"How about you? What are you doing tonight?" George asks. "Paul and I came to this park last night and I wanted to come here again because I love how it's all lit up at night." Ariel said. "Sounds romantic!" Kayla said with a smile. "You ready to go, love?" George asks Kayla. Kayla nods. "We're gonna go now. Have a good night you two!" She said to Ariel and Paul. "Same to you both." Ariel said. She and Paul wave to Kayla and George as they leave for their dinner. Ariel watches as George wraps his arm around Kayla while she leans on his shoulder.

"I think they make a cute couple." She said. "I agree." Said Paul. Ariel smiles and leans onto Paul's shoulder again. At the same time, Paul wraps his arm around her and gives her a kiss on her forehead. "Ariel?" Paul asks. "Yes?" Ariel answers. "Did I ever tell you that you're the most beautiful girl I've ever met?" Paul asked. Ariel's eyes grow wide. But at the same time, she couldn't help but blush. "No you didn't." She said. "Well believe it or not, it's true." Said Paul. "Oh Paulie!" Ariel said. She wraps her arms around Paul pulling him into a hug. He returns the embrace. After they pull away, they stand up from the bench, lock eyes, and hold hands.

"Paul?" Ariel asks. "Yes, love?" Paul answers. Ariel takes a deep breath before speaking. "I... I... I love..." She stammers. "Come on Ariel! Tell him you love him!" The voice in her head yells. "You love what Ariel?" Paul asks in confusion. Ariel wants to tell Paul she loves him but she just can't get those words out. "I love spending time with you!" She says instead. Paul smiles. "You do?!" He says excitedly. Ariel nods. "Oh Ariel! It makes me so happy to hear you say that!" Paul says. He wraps Ariel up into a tight hug and she returns the embrace. After they pull away, Ariel leans in and kisses Paul on his cheek making him blush.

"I don't want this night to end." Ariel says happily. "It doesn't have to." Paul says with a smile. "What do you mean?" Ariel asks. Paul looks at his watch. "It's after 9:00 right now. And I think you and I deserve more time together. Wouldn't you agree, love?" Ariel thinks for a moment and nods. "I do agree." She says. She places her hands on Paul's shoulders and he places his hands on her waist. Within a matter of minutes, they lean in and kiss. They remain in a lip lock for what seems like forever.

After a while, they release each other. Another voice calls out for Ariel. This time it's Anna. "ARIEL!!! OVER HERE!!!" She yells. Ariel sees Anna and waves to her. Anna walks over to the couple accompanied by a man. "Hey it's John!" Paul said. When they reach them, Ariel smiles. "Hey Anna! Are you on a date too?" She asks. Anna nods excitedly. "Even better! We have very exciting news for you!" She says. She turns her attention to John. "Do you wanna tell them or do you want me to?" She asked. "I think you should tell them." John answers.

Anna nods in agreement and turns back to Ariel and Paul. "JOHN AND I ARE DATING!!!" She yells in excitement. "Wow! I'm so happy for you!" Ariel said. "Thank you! I'm happy too!" Said Anna. She and John smile at each other. Ariel and Paul smile at them. "We figured we'd come over and tell you the good news. Isn't that right, love?" John said. "So true, sweetums!" Said Anna.

"Where are you two headed this evening?" Asked Ariel. "Well we're going out for dinner to celebrate becoming boyfriend and girlfriend." Said Anna. "What are you two doing?" John asks. "We were going for a walk through this park. My legs were getting tired so I'm trying to recharge them." Ariel said. "It's always nice to go for a walk with your significant other every now and then." Anna says. John nods in agreement to Anna's words. "Ready to head on over, my sweet angel?" John asks. "I'm ready, my knight in shining armor." Anna answers. "Enjoy the rest of your night you two." Paul said. "You do the same, Macca." Said John. He and Anna take their leave while Ariel waves to her friend and she waves back.

"Macca?" Ariel asks in a confusing tone. Paul chuckles. "It's my nickname." He says. "Oh. I think it's cute." Said Ariel. She and Paul walk away from the bench to continue their romantic stroll in the beautifully lit park. Ariel yawns at one point. "I don't know about you, Paul, but I'm ready to go home." She said. "Maybe you're right. It's getting late anyway." Paul said. They hold hands as they walk back to Paul's car. When they reach Ariel's house, Paul walks her up to the front door. "I had a wonderful time, Paul. Thank you for tonight." Ariel said. "You're welcome, love. I'm glad you had fun." Said Paul. They give each other a kiss good night on the lips then they hug. "Good night Ariel." Paul said as he strokes Ariel's hair. "Good night." She said back. Paul walks back to his car while Ariel enters her house. Her parents greet her from the living room.

"Hi sweetheart! How was your date?" Warren asks. "It was so romantic! Not only that, but I saw Kayla and Anna!" Said Ariel. "Did they have dates too?" Sylvia asks. Ariel nods with excitement. "Kayla was with another member of The Beatles. George Harrison. She's got a thing for him if you know what I mean." She said. "And Anna?" Asked Warren. "Oh she had a Beatle too! John Lennon. They're dating now actually!" Ariel said.

Warren and Sylvia smile. "We're glad you had such a nice time tonight, honey." Said Sylvia. "Paul's a sweet guy." Said Warren. "He certainly is." Ariel says with a smile then she yawns again. "I'm gonna go to bed now. It's been a long night for me and I deserve to sleep it off." She says. "Okay sweetie you go right ahead." Sylvia said. Ariel hugs and kisses her parents good night and goes upstairs. She washes her face, brushes her teeth, and puts her pajamas on. The minute her head hits her pillow, she falls asleep immediately. At the same time, she couldn't stop thinking about her date with Paul and how romantic it was.

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