Chapter 17 - Take It Easy

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Ariel wakes up the next morning while Paul is still sleeping. Knowing that he has to rest for three days after the bronchial spasm he had the day before. After Ariel leaves her room, she quietly closes the door. The phone rings from downstairs. Ariel goes to answer it.

"Hello?" She said. "Hey, Ariel! It's George." George said on the other line. "Oh, hi, George! How are you today?" Ariel asks. "I'm good but at the same time, I'm a little worried about Paul." Said George. "Wait! How do you know about what happened to Paul?!" Asked Ariel in shock. "Kayla told me yesterday." George said with concern.

"Oh." Ariel said. "Is he okay, though?" George asks. "Yeah. But he's still sleeping." Said Ariel. "Okay. Let him know I called and that John, Ringo, and I are thinking about him and we hope he feels better soon." Said George. "I will, George, thank you." Ariel said. "See you soon, Ariel." George said. Ariel hangs up the phone after saying her goodbyes to him.

Ariel goes into the kitchen to make some breakfast for Paul. She cooks some pancakes and pours some orange juice. After she finishes, she goes back up to her room and opens her door hoping she doesn't wake Paul up.

"Oh! You're awake." She said. She puts the tray down on Paul's lap. "Breakfast in bed, huh?" He asks. "Well the doctor said you need to rest for at least three days." Said Ariel. She gives Paul a kiss on his forehead. "How do you feel, sweetheart?" She asks. "I still feel a little weak from yesterday but not as weak." Paul answers.

"George called by the way." Ariel said. "He did? What did he say?" Paul asked. "He wanted me to tell you that he, John, and Ringo are thinking about you and they hope you feel better soon." Ariel Answered. "Aww that's sweet of them." Paul said. There's a knock at the door. "I better get that." Said Ariel. "Okay, love." Said Paul. Ariel goes back downstairs to get the door. She opens it to reveal John.

"Hi, Ariel." He said. "Hi, John! How good to see you!" Ariel said as she hugs him. "May I come in?" John asked. "Of course you can." Said Ariel. John steps into the house. "So, how've you been?" He asks. "I've been great. How are things between you and Anna?" Ariel asked. "Things are going pretty well between us. Anna's a sweet girl." Said John. "Agreed. She and I have known each other since we were kids. Same with Kayla and Natalie." Said Ariel. John smiles. "I've met your other friends. They're very nice people." He said. "Thank you." Ariel said.

"Anyway, is Paul here?" John asked. "Yeah, he's upstairs still in bed." Ariel answered. "Am I allowed to see him?" Asks John. "Heck yeah! I'll let him know you're here." Said Ariel. John nods as Ariel goes upstairs. She enters her room and sees that Paul is finished with his breakfast. "Hey, Paulie, you have a visitor." She said. "Who is it?" Paul asks. "John's here and he wants to see you." Said Ariel. "Oh good! Let him in." Said Paul. "Come on in, John!" Ariel hollers into the hallway. John comes into Ariel's room. Paul smiles when he sees him.

"Hey, John." He said. "I'll leave you two alone." Said Ariel. Paul grabs her hand before she could leave. "It's okay. I would like you to stay if you don't mind." He says. Ariel shrugs her shoulders and stands on the other side of the bed while Paul and John talk. "So I heard you had a bronchial spasm yesterday." John said. "How did you know?" Paul asked. "Anna told me." Answered John. "Believe me when I say this, John, Paul was unconscious for hours after that." Ariel said. "Hours?!" John asked in shock. Ariel nods. John suddenly faints.

"Oh, darn it!" Ariel said. She goes to the bathroom, grabs a washcloth, and wets it. She goes back into her room and rings out the water from the washcloth as it sprinkles onto John's face. He wakes up after he feels the water on his face. "Are you okay, John?" Asked Ariel. "Yeah. I was just in shock after being told how long Paul was unconscious for." Said John. "Even though you weren't there when he was unconscious, I don't blame you for feeling that way after being told about it." Ariel said.

"So, Paul, what else did the doctor say?" John asked. "Well, he told me the cause of the bronchial spasm. It was from too much smoking. So starting today, I'm not going to smoke another cigarette." Paul said. "I guess I should consider the same thing if I don't want one." Said John. "And I think that should go for George and Ringo too." Said Paul. John nods. "Also, the doctor said that I can't do anything that involves too much excitement and or running around. He wants me to rest for at least three days." Said Paul.

"That's definitely the best thing to do." John said. He and Paul talk for a little while longer until it was time for John to leave. "Thanks for coming over, John." Said Ariel. "No problem, Ariel. And I hope you feel better soon, Macca." John said as he pats Paul on his back and gives Ariel a hug goodbye. After he leaves, Ariel takes care of the trash on Paul's lap. She puts the glass, fork, and plate in the sink and the tray on the counter. Tony approaches her.

"Hey, Ariel." He said with a smile. "Oh! Hi, Tony." Ariel greets her little brother. "Where's Paul?" Tony asked. "He's still in bed." Said Ariel. "At this hour in the day?" Said Tony in shock. Ariel nods slowly. "Unfortunately, he needs to rest for a few days because yesterday, he fainted." She explains. "Oh no! Is he okay?!" Asked Tony worriedly.

Ariel clings onto his shoulders. "Yes, Tony. He's perfectly fine. The doctor said he had a bronchial spasm from too much smoking. So as of today, tomorrow, and the day after, he has to take it easy. Then before you know it, he'll be back on his feet again." She said. Tony smiles knowing that Paul will be better soon.

As Ariel finishes washing the dishes, she makes some tea for Paul. Someone taps on her shoulder after that. It was Jacob. "Hi, Ariel. Whatcha doing, sis?" He asked. "Hey, Jacob. I was making some tea. It's for Paul, by the way." Said Ariel. "Mom and Dad said that he had a bronchial spasm and fainted yesterday. Is that true?" Jacob asked. Ariel nods. "It is. So I'm gonna take care of him for the next few days." She said. "Oh. Are Lauren, Tony, and I allowed to help out?" Asked Jacob. "Of course you are. Besides, Mom and Dad said they'd help too." Ariel said.

Lauren enters the room in a panic. "OMG! Is Paul okay?! I heard that he fainted yesterday!" She yelled. "Calm down, Lauren! Paul is perfectly fine!" Said Ariel. Lauren breathes a sigh of relief. "Oh thank goodness! I would've had a heart attack if he died!" She said finally calming down. "Now if you both would excuse me, I made him some tea and I'm gonna give it to him." Ariel said to her older siblings. She takes the cup of tea upstairs to her room and sees that Paul is sleeping. Ariel smiles to herself, puts the cup on her nightstand, gently adjusts the covers on her bed, and kisses Paul on his cheek. She caresses his face after that.

She walks out of her room and quietly closes the door. She's approached by her mom. "Hi, baby. I just came up to check on Paul." Sylvia said. Ariel puts her finger up to her lips. "He's asleep." She whispers. "Oh sorry. I just wanted to give him this bowl of soup I made." Said Sylvia. "You can put it on my nightstand next to the cup of tea I brought up earlier." Ariel said. Sylvia nods and quietly enters Ariel's room and puts the bowl of soup next to the cup of tea.

A few hours later, Ariel goes back up to check on Paul. When she enters the room, she sees him wide awake. He smiles when he sees her. "Hey." Ariel said as she goes over to hug him. "How are you feeling now?" She asks. "I'm getting better." Paul said. "That's good to hear. But you still need to rest for two more days. And not too much excitement." Ariel said. Paul nods understandingly. "You're doing very well, Paul. I'm proud of you for obeying doctor's orders." Said Ariel with a smile. She leans in and kisses Paul on his lips as he kisses her back.

Ariel gets herself ready for bed and kisses Paul good night. "I'm gonna sleep on the couch tonight, honey." She said. Paul frowns. "It won't be the same without you sleeping next to me, love." He said. He hangs his head low and Ariel lifts his face up by his chin. "I'm not doing it from now on. It's only until you have all your strength back. Then I promise you we'll have plenty of snuggle time when we sleep together again." She said. Paul smiles. "Now I feel a little better after hearing you say that." He said. They wrap each other up into a hug. Ariel kisses Paul on his forehead after that. "Good night, sweetie. I love you." She said. "I love you too, Ariel my darling. Good night." Paul said. With that, Ariel leaves her own room for Paul to sleep alone and sleeps on the couch in the living room.

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