Chapter 25 - Another Hospital Visit

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Ariel has band practice with her friends again the next day. They notice how she's looking down at the ground while she's playing her guitar. "Are you okay, Ari? You seem upset." Said Anna. "I am upset, as a matter of fact." Said Ariel. "Do you wanna talk about it?" Asked Kayla. Ariel's eyes fill with tears and they fall down her cheeks before she speaks.

"Paul's in the hospital." She said. Her friends gasp. "What happened?!" Asked Natalie in shock. "Some female maniac crashed into his car and ran him off the road." Ariel said. She drops to her knees and starts to cry. Her friends try to comfort her. "We're here for you, Ari." Kayla said. "How long will he be in the hospital?" Anna asked. "Five days. Luckily he'll be out in time for the wedding." Said Ariel. "That's good news at least." Natalie said. The girls continue on with band practice. Once they finished, Ariel makes her way home.

Suddenly, Winifred comes out of nowhere and grabs Ariel by her arm. "Hello, peasant!" She said. "Go away, Winifred! Don't you have anything else to do besides threatening me?" Ariel said angrily. "Almost. I thought you might like to know that I'm the one who ran your fiancé off the road yesterday." Said Winifred. Ariel's eyes grow wide. "How dare you?!?! You could've killed him!!!!!!" She yelled.

"I told you I'd get my revenge. And believe it or not, I was actually trying to kill him. But of course my plan failed!" Winifred said. "Just you wait until Paul hears about this!" Said Ariel. She clenches her fist and punched Winifred in the jaw. "No one hurts the man I love! And if you ever lay a finger on him again, I'll make your life a living nightmare!" She yelled. "Is that a threat?!" Winifred asked. Ariel crosses her arms. "You bet it is." She said with a smirk.

Winifred runs away in fear. Ariel blows on her fist after a powerful move. Moments later, she and her parents ride back to Rampton Hospital to visit Paul. Once they reach his room, Sylvia and Warren wait in the hallway. Ariel enters the room and approaches Paul's bed. He smiles when he sees her.

"Hi, sweetheart." Ariel said. "I was hoping you'd stop by at some point." Said Paul. "I really miss you at home." Said Ariel. "I know, love. But I'm not going to be stuck here forever." Paul said. He reached up and Ariel clutches his hand. "You're not gonna believe who I ran into earlier today." She said. "Who?" Paul asked. "Winifred." Ariel said rolling her eyes. "Oh no. What did she want this time?" Asked Paul. "She revealed that she was the one who ran you off the road. And apparently she was trying to kill you." Said Ariel.

Paul's eyes grow wide. "How is that possible?! First she said she wanted me all to herself, and now she wants to kill me?!" He asked in shock. "She did say she would get revenge." Ariel said. "I'm so done for!" Paul said as his voice cracked. Ariel turns his face towards her. "Hey. As long as I'm here, I won't let her hurt you." She said. Paul takes a deep breath and smiles. "You always know how to make me feel better." He said.

They talk for a few more minutes until it was time for Ariel to go. "Will you come back tomorrow?" Paul asks. "Of course I will. I'll come visit you every day until they let you out." Said Ariel. Paul smiles and pulls her in for a hug. After they pull away, they hold hands. "I love you, Paulie." Ariel said. "I love you too, Ariel my love." Paul said. Ariel leaves the room and sees her parents talking to someone. "George?!" She said. George turns towards Ariel. "Hi, Ariel. It's great to see you." He said. "Are you here to visit Paul?" Ariel asked. "I am. Were you just in there with him?" George asked. "I was." Said Ariel. She and George talk for a few minutes before he goes into Paul's room.

Ariel and her parents make it home before sunset. Her siblings enter the room as they walk through the door. "Hey, we haven't seen Paul since he left for the studio yesterday. Where is he?" Asked Tony. "He's in the hospital, Tony, sweetheart." Said Sylvia. "WHAT?!?! What happened to him?!" Asked Lauren. "Some maniac ran him off the road as he was coming home yesterday." Said Ariel. "How horrible!" Said Jacob. "You can say that again, Jacob." Said Warren. "The good news is, he'll be out of there in time for our wedding." Ariel said. Her siblings cheer.

For the rest of the day, Ariel sits in her room singing the song she wrote for Paul while strumming her guitar. Doing so was bittersweet and made her cry. It didn't feel the same without Paul listening to her play and sing. She walks to her window and looks at the sky. "Oh, Paul, I miss you so much. I wish you could be here to hold me in your arms and comfort me whenever I need it. I need you, darling. I don't wanna spend the rest of my days without you. Please, come home soon." She said as tears fall from her eyes. She climbs into bed and once again cries herself to sleep.

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