Chapter 33 - Love Letters

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Ariel wakes up the next morning to check the mail. She was hoping a letter from Paul would be inside. When she finds it, she smiles. Ariel opens the envelope and reads the note.

Dear Ariel,

I miss you every day and I'm always thinking about you when I wake up and before I go to sleep. Please don't spend the next three months being sad or crying. Keep your chin up and remember to keep smiling. I love you so much and I'll be home soon, my beautiful wife.

Your loving husband,

Reading the letter brought happy tears to Ariel's eyes. "He's right! It's high time I keep my chin up!" She said to herself. She puts the letter in her drawer and goes downstairs to meet up with her friends.

Paul's P.O.V.

Paul stares out the window of the hotel. His eyes fill with tears as he thinks about Ariel. John comes up from behind him and puts a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Thinking about Ariel, Macca?" He asked. "Yeah. I miss her so much." Said Paul. "Believe me, I miss her too. She's such an amazing person. And you two are so great together." Said John. "Same with you and Anna." Paul said.

George comes over a minute later. "Everything okay over here?" He asked. "Paul's thinking about Ariel and he misses her." John said. "I understand how you feel. I've been thinking about Kayla every day and I miss her." George says to Paul. The tears start to fall down from Paul's eyes. George rubs his back. "Ariel's a great friend. And she's a good wife to you." He said. "Sometimes I wish I could take her with me when I go away." Paul said as more tears fall down his face.

Ringo approaches the others. "What's the matter with Paul?" He asked. Paul turns towards Ringo with his eyes all red and his cheeks completely damp. Ringo wraps his arm around him. "Is it Ariel?" He asked. Paul nods. "Hey, I think about Natalie every day. But I try to stay strong at the same time." Said Ringo. "Believe me, men, I'm trying to be strong. But the more I think about Ariel, the more it breaks my heart to be away from her." Said Paul.

The three Beatles try to comfort Paul as Brian enters the room. "Good morning, boys! I hope everybody slept well because we have a busy day ahead of us." He said. "Great!" All except for Paul said. "What's wrong with Paul?" Brian asked. "He misses his wife terribly." John said. "Oh? You and Ariel are married now?" Asked Brian. "We are. And we're both happy together." Paul said. "That's good. I'm glad to hear that. But try not to cry in front of the fans." Said Brian. "Trust me, I never disappoint them." Said Paul. Brian gives a thumbs up as The Beatles get ready for their day.

Ariel's P.O.V.

Ariel sits at her table writing a letter to Paul. Once she finished writing, she puts the note in an envelope, sealed it shut, sticks on the return address, and puts on a stamp. She even writes down Paul's name on the envelope and memorized the address of the hotel he's staying at.

Paul's P.O.V.

The Beatles are going through piles of fan mail. When Paul finds one from Ariel, he smiles. He opens the envelope and reads the letter.

My darling Paul,

I hope you're enjoying the rest of the tour. I'm remembering the promise I made you to never take off the locket and promise ring you gave me last time. I can't wait for you to come home soon. I love you with all my heart and I'm sending you hugs and kisses until we're together again.

Your loving wife,

P.S. I miss your smiling face and having you hold me every night. I'll be waiting for you when you come home.

Paul smiles as his eyes fill with happy tears. He holds the note close to his chest and hugs it. He even plants a kiss onto the note.

Ariel's P.O.V.

Ariel gets herself ready for bed and looks out the window. "Paulie, my dear. I hope you get my letter soon. I miss you, sweetie." She said. She opens her locket and looks at the pictures of her and Paul inside. Her eyes fill with tears as she stares at them. She thought back to the day her parents took the pictures. After a few minutes, Ariel closes her locket and climbs into bed. She cries herself to sleep for a few minutes before she passes right out and drifts off into dreamland.

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