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Murdoc got up off his slightly comfy bed and exited his mobile home and walked towards the singer's room.

'Wot am I gonna say to 'em about 'is?' Murdoc thought as he stood outside the singer's door. He knocked on it but started to get angry when he didn't get an answer.

"You idiot open the damn door!" He yelled banging on the door. He turned the knob and opened the door, stunned to not see 2D in his room. "Well the idiot could of at least told me he wasn't in his bloody room." He closed the door and walked back up the stairs to the car park. Murdoc pressed the button calling the lift to bring him up into Kong. He walked around everywhere, but couldn't find the singer anywhere.

"Where the devil is that no good, blue haired dullard?" He asked mumbling, walking towards Russel's room. He banged on the door.

"Yo'why the hell are you banging on my door Muds?" The drummer growled, staring at the satanist.

"Have you seen the dullard?" Murdoc asked crossing his arms.

"Last time I saw him he was with Noods in the kitchen." Russel said scratching his head.

"Well he aint' in there now, Soo maybe the girl might know where he is."Murdoc said walking down the hall and banging on the door, Russel following behind him.

Noodle shifted in her peaceful sleep, wodering who would come and disturb her peace with 2D. She gently untangled herself from 2D, and walked over to her door rubing her sleepy pretty eyes. She unlocked it then opened it.

"What's up with all the banging Murdoc-san?" She asked in a soft voice.

"Sorry love, I'm just aggravated cos' I can't find that damn singer!" He said still with his arms crossed.

"Ohh 2D-san, Me and him took a nap together." She said with a small smile.

Both men looked at her with the same expression on their face. "You mean you guys took a nap together...with the door closed?" Russel said in shock.

"mmhmm!" she said with a happy expression.

"With the door locked?" Murdoc added.

"Yess! what is this, ask Noodle the same question 52 times?" She asked sarcastically getting annoyed.

Murdoc snapped at her answer. "HEY-" He stoped when he heard a noise coming from the living room

"I'll get it" Noodle said walking towards the door. Murdoc froze, knowing who was at the dreaded door. 2D awoke from all the noise and rubbed his neck.

"Wot's goin' on Muds? he asked walking towards the frozen bass player. "Your wearing clothes, thats a shock." He chuckled as he joked about the singer. Murdoc laughed at his joke.

"2D!" Noodle screamed pretty loud. The three guys standing outside her door heard the scream and ran towards the front door where they saw there guitarist and there ex-guitarist having a dirty look contest with each other.

2D shook when he saw her there. Noodle turned her attention towards him. " 2D whats going on?" She said pretty angry.

"Noodle love, calm down a bit would ya'" Murdoc said walking over to her, wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

"Why is Paula here Murdoc-san?" Noodle shot another death glare over towards Paula.

" I dont think thats non of your business lil' girl." Paula snapped at her.

Noodle was furious. She hated Paula for what she did, to the band and to 2D.

She broke his heart terribly, Knowing that made Noodle wanted to rip her face off, claw her eyes off, break every bone in her body.

Let's just say the way Noodle felt towards Paula was the true definition of the word 'Hate'.

"Wot are ya doing here Paula?" 2D asked still kinda in shock.

Paula walked towards 2D putting her hand on his chest. "Well since you asked Stu, Me and Murdoc need to talk about a certain something."

"What certain something?" Noodle asked Murdoc who was still holding onto her shoulder.

Murdoc sighed deeply. "Paula...might be pregnant."

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