busted... again.

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With tears starting to form in her eyes, Noodle pushed another button on the phone to read the next message on her fiances recently discovered phone. the second message read

'Thanks my blue haired prince i needed that ;)"

Noodle's heart sank. The tears in her eyes came crashing down on her cold pale face. Her heart was beating faster, her anger started rising. She knew she couldn't control herself.

Noodle threw the phone at the wall, cracking the screen in half. Noodle still angry, jumped onto the sleeping 2D and grabbed his neck with her bare hands. 2D woke up almost instantly, and brought his hands ontop of Noodle's.

"Noodle... wot... wot are yew...do-ing!" 2D said in between gasps for air. 2D afriad for his life, clawed Noodle's hands with his nails. She let go of his neck and got off of him.

Melody started crying after hearing all of the commotion. 2D holding his neck got up off the bed to face Noodle. He saw her cheeks drowned in wet tears. It made him wonder why the love of his life just tried to almost kill him.

"Noodle love, wot the 'ell is yur problem?" he asked her calmly. "How could you?" was all Noodle could say.

she picked up Melody to stop her
fussing, not wanting to face 2D.

"Wot?." Noodle quickly turned around to face him. Her bangs covered her waterfall eyes. "How could you do this to me again? Am I really that unperfect that you keep doing this to me!" she yelled at him.

2D was confused. He had no idea what was going on with Noodle. "Noodle, wot are yew talking about huh?" Noodle felt like she was about to lose it, like she was going to rip out her hair. She placed Melody back inside her crib.

"YOU WERE SEEING PAULA AGAIN!" Noodle screamed at the top of her lungs. 2D's mind went blank. He started panicing inside.

'How did she find 'ut 'bout this? Wot do I say to her now?' his mind was racing with thoughts.

Murdoc and Hannie were sleeping in the Winnie, when they heard the loud scream. The loud noise startled Hannie.

"Murdoc honey, what was that? Did you hear that?" Hannie shook Murdoc with one hand and held up the blanket that was covering her naked body with the other. Murdoc groaned at the fact that he was being shaken awake, which he didnt really like. "Mhmm Hannie darling, I'm sure it was nothing." He rolled over trying to avoid being shaken again.

"HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME AGAIN! YOU BASTURD!" Then there was a loud glass shatter.

"Murdoc.." Hannie shook him again.

"Okay i heard it this time." Murdoc and Hannie both got off the bed and grabbed their clothes and ran towards the loud noises they heard. They both ran downstairs towards the couples' room.

"Wot the 'ell is going on down 'ere?" Murdoc said as he opened the door to the room. Hannie looked around the room. Baby Melody was crying, 2D looked angry with rage, Noodle's face was drowned in tears and her arm was dripping in blood.

Noodle walked over to the door. " I dont ever want to see you again 2D." she said before she fled upstairs. Murdoc gave 2D a death glare before chasing after Noodle.

2D sat down on the bed, ignoring his baby girl's cries. Hannie not knowing what to do, walked over to Melody's crib and gently picked her up to stop her crying.
"Its alright baby girl, its alright, shh shh dont cry anymore." Hannie gently rocked her back and forth. 2D watched as Hannie helped quiet the baby. Then awful thoughts came to his mind.

Murdoc chased after Noodle, who stopped inside her old bedroom.

"Noo- dle luv, wait.." Murdoc said catching up to her out of breath. Noodle didn't care that her arm was leaking blood like crazy, the only thing she felt was her heart breaking into a million pieces.

"Murdoc- san... Is there a way i can turn back time to-... to stop myself... from being so blind and stupid?" she said in between sobs.

Murdoc walked over to her and hugged her. Without realizing it, Noodle's arm injury was more serious then what they thought it was. She fainted into Murdoc's arms.

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