ultrasounds and kisses

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Noodle awoke from another peaceful sleep. She sat up and stretched her back. "Hmm I miss sleeping on my tummy, but your worth it honey." she rubbed her growing stomach. She  noticed that her stretching woke up her sleeping partner. "Mornin' my love." he kissed Noodle on her lips then rubbed her swollen stomach.

2D remembered Noodle's ultrasound about two months ago. She was nervous at first but then 2D grabbed her hand and felt a lot better. The radiologist placed the strange goop on her belly while 2D, Murdoc, and Russel all looked at the screen. The lady then rubbed the machine around Noodles belly to find the baby.

"There's your baby Mrs. Pot." the radiologist smiled at Noodle then at 2D.

"Would you like to know the sex?" she offered. Noodle and 2D had agreed that they wanted the baby's sex to be a surprise.

" No, we want it to be a surprize." 2D answered her then helped Noodle off the table.

Noodle had moved into 2D's room just like he wanted. She had to admit that she did miss her room, but being with 2D was much more comfortable for her then being alone in her room. Noodle's body wasn't the only thing that was changing. Her mood swings were wild, 2D made sure to never upset her and he did everything she asked. Noodle's appetite had also changed as well. She would wake up in the middle of the night and eat pizza with a side of chocolate ice cream with sour cream and onion chips. Something that doesn't sound like it would go together. Noodle's confidence was changing too.

Last night, 2D woke up in the middle of the night and heard his Noodle crying. He sat up and rubbed her soft purple hair.

"wots wrong lil love?" she looked up at him with tears falling down her face.

"Little? 2D I'm far from little. Look at me! I'm huge and disgusting! How could you stand to be around me?" 2D pulled her into his embrace. He never thought of her in the way she had described herself.

"Noodle hun, your not disgusting at all. Your perfect to me in ever way." he wiped the tears from her soft face. "You're just saying that." more tears slid down her face.

"No I'm not love, I mean it. You're the most beautiful girl in the world and on top of that your having my child too. I feel super lucky to have the most gorgeous girl and her child too." she then kissed his lips knowing that he did mean what he was saying to her.

" I love you 2D." she smiled while the tears stop falling. He pecked her lips again. "I love you too Noodle". the couple went back to sleep.

- next morning -

Noodle was gathering clothes for her morning shower. She walked into the bathroom and started the water. While the water heated up, she stripped herself off her clothes and walked into the shower. She let the warm water hit her exposed body. 2D on the other hand had a surprise for his one and only axe princess. He searched through his drawer on his side of the room for clothes then walked into the bathroom.

Noodle was too busy enjoying her warm shower that she failed to hear 2D walk into the bathroom and strip himself of his clothes and walk into the shower with his Noodle. He stood behind her almost scaring the daylight out of her.

"2D what are you doing?" he moved closer to her, so close that their naked bodies were touching. He placed his hands over her stomach and rubbed it softly. She leaned her head back into his neck and relaxed.

"I'm spending time with the love of my life." he kissed her head while the warm water hit both of them.

"oh really? She must be one lucky girl." she giggled softly.

"Yes she is and she's carrying my child, who I can't wait to meet." he said playing along with the game they had going. Noodle stood on her tippy toes and kissed 2D on his lips.

His tounge slid into her mouth searching for its companion. Noodle moaned into the kiss then slowly pulled away. The couple finished their  shower.

2D grabbed a towel for Noodle and one for himself. They wrapped the towels around their cold bodies.

Noodle looked down, hoping to see her feet, but was disappointed when she found that her belly was in the way and sighed deeply.

2D walked over to her and hugged her. "I just want the baby to come already." she said into his chest.

"the baby will come sooner then you know it love, you jos got to give him some more time in there." he kissed her head again trying to comfort her.

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