Making It Work

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Noodle was staring at the figure, moving boxes into the room right next to Noodle's.

"What does it look like I'm doing? What are you stupid and blind?" Paula said walking into her new room with a box of her stuff.

Noodle wanted to shout back at her but felt more vomit coming up, she ran straight into her room and into her bathroom to hurl. After about fifteen minutes of up chucking, Noodle sat beside her toilet for a minute just to make sure nothing else was going to come up. 'what's wrong with me? This is the second time in 15 minutes.

'Could I be-' Noodle stopped her thought and walked out of her bathroom and plopped down onto her comfy bed snuggling into her lavender smelling pillows, closing her eyes and continuing her thoughts. 'what if I am though? Maybe I should get something to make sure that I am or if I'm not' she nodded off into a light sleep still having thoughts run threw her mind.

Paula moved the last box into her new room right next to the axe princess. Once she had everything in her room she closed the door and locked it, she put everything in place to have a room that would be suitable for her for the time being.

When she was all settled in she started thinking of her plan again. The first parts of the plan had worked. 'tricking that disgusting Murdoc into sleeping with me, then lying to him about me being pregnant to get into the house' she walked over to her newly made bed and sat on the corner 'Now part 2 of my plan needs to start, but that damn Noodle!' Paula clenched her teeth at the thought of her all over 2D. 'maybe I can add a part a and a part b to plan 2' she smiled wickedly and got up and walked out of her room.

She went to door right next to her's and knocked on it. When she didn't get a response she continued knocking.

Noodle heard her door being pounded on and wished that the person knocking on the door would go away. Sadly her wish wasn't granted and noodle sluggishly got up to answer it. Noodle wasn't surprised to see this person thought.

"what do you want Paula?" Noodle gave her a cold stare that said 'I woke up for this bitch? Where the hell is my scythe when I need it?'.

"Look Noodle, I know that your mad at me and can't really stand me in any way because of what I've said about you and for what I did to 2D and I'm honestly really sorry, but I just really want to make things right between all of us. So what do you say." Paula put her hand out hoping Noodle would shake it.

Noodle stared at her but her expression changed. 'is she really asking me to forgive her for what she's done to 2D, after all the pain and heartbreak she put him threw not to mention the harsh things she's called me and I can only imagine the things she thinks of me inside her twisted mind! But Noodle it did take a lot of guts for her to come and apologize and people like her have to much pride to do stuff like this.'

"Alright, Paula I'll accept your apology" Noodle shook Paula's awaiting hand. Paula then squeezed Noodle into a tight hug. "Thanks Noodle, I can see why 2D likes you so much. He always mentioned that he wanted a girl who was sweet and kind with a little spice in her, that is practically your definition hun." Paula said adding a fake smile and letting go of Noodle.

"Really? Well thanks Paula, umm I'm gonna go get ready for lunch, see you there?" Noodle felt a bit awkward getting complimented and a bit of advice from one of 2D's ex- loves.

"Sure thing." Paula started walking back to her room and Noodle shut her room door again. "Wow I'm a better actress then I thought." Paula said with another wicked smile. Noodle got ready for lunch like she said she would.

Noodle came down into the kitchen a few minutes after she fixed herself up. She saw 2D sitting at the table, staring at this huge stack of buffalo wings on the center of the table. Noodle giggled as she walked to the seat next to her boyfriend. He smiled as soon as he noticed her sitting next to him. "Oh, Hey Noods, why are you laughing?" Noodle continued giggling before she answered. "You're just staring at this huge plate of food. How long have you been staring at it 2D-san?" she grabbed a wing and started eating, 2D took one right after her and started eating too.

"I dunno know, a while I guess.". the couple giggled and ate in peace until Noodle whispered something to 2D. "Paula came and apologized to me. She said she wanted to make things right between us." 2D stayed silent, he didn't know what to say.

Paula then walked into the kitchen at that moment and noticed the couple eating together. It made her sick. "Hey Noodle,...2D" she said looking at them then sitting down on the other side of 2D. "hey Paula." Noodle said with food in her mouth. 2D started getting nervous. His hands started sweating and shaking, but Noodle and Paula didn't notice much. Paula started eating with one hand underneath the table. She tried making small talk with Noodle while her hand below them slowly found its way to 2D's leg. 2D gasped at the sudden soft motion he felt on his leg. He started sweating more, he knew this was wrong but he enjoyed the way Paula massaged his leg. Paula's hand started shifting closer and closer to his arising friend inside his pants. His eyes shut closed.

"2D, are you okay?" Noodle asked noticing his eyes shut tightly. He opened his eyes and brought his hands below the table to push away Paula's then quickly got up before she tried anything else. " yea- yeah I'm fine Noodle love, I'm jus- just gonna go umm.. down to my room for a little bit, why don't you meet me down there later?" he said almost tripping over his feet. "Okay." she said before he left the room.

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