murdoc's special lady

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"Noodle, D this is Hannie." Murdoc said standing next the cute girl who had long straight blond hair, her eyes were a a bit slanted and they were a light blue color, she was wearing a heavey amount of eyeliner but on her it actually looked cute.
Her skin tone was the same as Noodle's.
"Hello, Murdoc has told me so much about you two." she had a sweet yet shy voice, it made Noodle wonder.

Noodle shook her hand and smiled. 2D reached over and shook the girl's soft hands. "You must be Stu' the father of that adorable baby." Hannie smiled at 2D the sweetly looked at Noodle. "And you must be Noodle, the mother" Hannie gave Noodle a warm smile before walking over to the baby.

"My, she is gorgeous. What is her name?" the baby looked up into Hannie's eyes and giggled. Melody moved bother her tiny arms up, signaling Hannie to pick her up. "I think 'ur lil Melody likes you luv."2D said picking up his baby girl and gently placing her in Hannies hands.

"Melody, what a beautiful name for such a gorgeous doll." Hannie said holding the baby carefully. Melody smiled brightly and started mumbling in her own little baby language.

A tiny smell of unpleasentment had roamed the kitchen. Russel walked over towards Hannie and sniffed Melody. The awful smell was coming from the Melody. Russel took the baby out of Hannies hands. "I'm gonna take Melly downstairs for a change then put her down for her nap." Russel said.

Noodle smiled and kissed Russel on his cheek before he walked out the kitchen with the stinky baby. The two couples sat down at the table keeping conversation.

"Soo Murdoc, 'here did yew two meet?" 2D asked keeping conversation. "Believe it or not a jewelry store."Murdoc answered grabbing Hannies hand underneath the table.
"A jewelry store?" Noodle questioned. "Well, our lil Melly I guess had abit to much to eat and when I pick the lil rascal she up chunked on me cross." Murdoc chuckled at the memory. "I just so happened to be working the jewelry stand that day when Murdoc came in and demanded to have the cross spotless." Hannie finished.

"When I picked it up the next day, It wos as if it wos new, which it wosn't ya know. Hannie even buffed out some of the scratches on it, and
that's when the spark happened. She just had to be mine and no one else's." Murdoc chuckled again bringing Hannie closer to him. "After that things just seemed to fall into place." Hannie smiled at 2D and Noodle on the other side of the table.

"Soo what about you two? Murdoc told me you were engaged." Noodle's mind snapped after that. "Yupp. I wont to spend the rest of me life wifh Noodle, she's my hole world now." 2D said putting his arm around Noodle's shoulder who smiled.

"Awe how sweet! Noodle must be one hell of a lucky one huh?" Hannie said excited. "So what about the wedding?
Do you two want a huge one or a tiny one?"

Noodle was lost in thought. She hadn't  really thought of the wedding plans yet since she was mainly concerned about Melody.

"I'm not really sure, this is the first time we have ever talked about a wedding." Noodle said.

"Ohh, well Noodle honey don't worry. If you would like, I could help with all the arrangments." Noodle just nodded
her head.

She thought that with the baby, wedding planning would be just to much for her, so maybe some help wouldbe nice and plus she could get to know Hannie a little more if they spent time together.

The couples finished their conversation then went there separate ways. Hannie and Murdoc returned to the Winnie and Noodle and 2D went into their room where they found their Melody sleeping in her crib.

They figured Russel went back to his room tired, after changing and trying to put to sleep a wide awake baby. 2D climbed into bed and instantly fell asleep.

Noodle walked over to the crib to check up on Melly and make sure she was covered.

Noodle accidently bumped into 2D's bedside table and heard things fall onto the floor. She bent down to pick
everything up when she picked up a tiny phone.

She looked at it strangly. "I had no Idea 'D had a phone." Noodle whispered to herself. She flipped the phone open out of curiosity, and flashed a screen that said '2 new messages'.

still curious Noodle clicked a button to read the messages.

Noodle's eyes went wide after reading the first message.

'I've missed you so much Stu, and I want you to leave her.'

Noodle read the name of the person who sent the message,

it was paula.

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