every planet we reach is dead

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I lost my leg like I lost my way,

So no loose ends

Nothing to see me down.

How are we gonna work this out?

2D was walking back downstairs, holding baby Melody in his arms. He just got done feeding her and it was time for her nap. He walked inside the lift once it opened, the doors were closed he pushed the button to take him downstairs to the car park.

Melody looked up at her father. He hasn't been the same ever since they had to bring Noodle to the hospital for passing out for his mistake. He's been sobbing every night before he goes to bed. Melody was a pretty smart baby. She saw how things were going and she also saw what a wreck her dad was becoming, which is why she did her best to not fuss.

The lift doors opened letting 2D and Melody out.

2D walked into his room and placed Melody down into her crib. His room was actually very clean, Noodle always loved it that way. Melody kept her big beautiful green eyes on her father. 2D couldn't help but smile. "Yew 've bin sucha gud girl Melly" He rubbed her soft blueish hair. The soft and gentle touch of her dad's hand was enough to put her into a peaceful sleep.

Dreams aren't bad, I had turned back

I love the girl

But God only knows it's

Getting hard to see the sun coming through

I love you...

But what are we going to do?

After making sure melody was nice and warm, 2D sat down on his bed thinking about Noodle. 'I hope shes alright, I never ment to hurt her in anyway.' Then he heard the door swing open.

"What are you doing idiot?" it was Murdoc.
"Nuffink.. I'm just finking ab-" Murdoc cut him off.
"Noodle?" Murdoc sat on the bed next to 2D. "Yew know, i understand Noodle sorta over reacted, but if yew didnt throw the glass on the floor Noodle wouldnt be in that bloody hell whole hospital, and there wouldnt be a cup missing!" Murdoc added.
"I know and i feel horrible about it, its just that, she was scaring me so I panicked." Right before Murdoc could say something the door opened.

Noodle and Hannie walked in through the door. Noodle stared at 2D before running into his arms and embracing him closely. Hannie signaled Murdoc to come out of the room so 2D and Noodle could have some privacy.

Picture I'm a dreamer

I'll take you deeper

Down to the sleepy glow

Time is a low..

Don't you know?

What are we going to do?

"Noodle your alright.." 2D was confused. Before she left she hated him and told him she didn't want to be with him, now she's back in his arms, hugging him. "2D Im sorry." Now he was really confused. "I found your phone and it had all these text messages from Paula, and i guess I just jumped to conclusion." Noodle held onto him tight.
"Noodle luv, I... should of told you sooner." 2D shifted away from Noodle. Noodle felt the tears forming again in her eyes.

" the reason why I 'ad the phone wos because i needed to know wen this would be ready." then 2D returned with a tiny box in his hands. Noodle started at the box as 2D brought her closer to him.

"Noodle... will yew... marry me?" he blurted out. Usually you would expect that 2D would close his eyes tightly and wait for her answer, but he didn't. He kept his big dark round eyes on her. Noodle's heart was racing. It was the moment she had been waiting for for a long time. She felt her words get caught up inside her mouth and all she could do was smile. 2D already knew what that meant, and leaned in closer towards her until their lips met in a passonate kiss, which to Noodle felt like fireworks in the dark sky, after a perfect night. This feeling was Happiness.

When you go back

All the second selfless days

You're in love with him

I want to see you again

I love you...

But what are we going to do?

And baby Melody, out of the corner of her eye saw the entire thing.

And that my friends is an amazing ending to this great story. Thank you so much for the votes and the reads! I love you all! 😊❤

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