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Things inside Kong started getting better. Noodle was already 2 months pregnant and her belly started showing, Paula's stomach on the other hand stayed the same. She had attempted to gain weight in order to fool Murdoc and the rest of the band, but 2D and Noodle were onto her and their plan still in action. Noodle still hadn't told 2D about there little encounter about two months ago, she still thought that he would over react or do something else drastic.

The sun was shining bright threw Noodle's window. The glare of the beautiful sunrise woke the axe princess from her sleep. Noodle had to get use to not sleeping on her stomach, which wasn't something easy. She slowly blinked her almond eyes opened. She moved the blanket off her warm body and automatically felt the breeze of the mid- November weather. Noodle rubbed her swollen belly after she heard growling noises. She smiled warmly at a thought she was having of 2D.

'he was holding their baby in his arms, rocking her back and forth singing to her quietly so she wouldn't wake up.'

"Your daddy is going to adore you just like I do." she rubbed her stomach once more before getting ready and walking out of her room towards the kitchen.

Noodle was shocked to see Murdoc sitting at the table by himself, reading the newspaper and drinking coffee….

"Good Morning Murdoc-san." she gave him a little peck on the cheek and was even more shocked at how smooth and soft his cheek was, instead of it usually being oily.

Noodle walked over to the cabin above the sink and took out a bowl and grabbed a spoon. She filled the bowl up with her favorite cereal and went over to the refrigerator and got out the milk. When she was done pouring the milk into her dry cereal she went back to the table and sat across from Murdoc.

"So Murdoc-san, whats with the change?" Noodle asked out of curiosity. Murdoc looked up from his newspaper and looked at Noodle.

"Jus figure I'd change up abit before the baby came." Noodle figured that now might be the perfect moment to bring out plan 2. "Oh, you know Murdoc-san haven't you noticed Paula lately?" Noodle was grinning inside her mind.

"Her pregnancy bump hasn't shown, come to think of it didn't she get pregnant before me?" Noodle questioned already knowing the answer. Murdoc stayed in thought. 'She hasn't gotten bigger now that Noodle mentioned it. Could something have happened to my kid?'

"Do you think the kid is alrite?" He looked at Noodle a little worried. "Maybe you should take her to the doctors so she can get checked out."
Noodle suggested. "Thanks love" Murdoc gave Noodle a smile and walked out of the kitchen. After she was sure Murdoc was gone Noodle started giggling.

After she finished her cereal Noodle walked out of the kitchen. She made her way down the hallway and to the lift, where she pushed the button to open the door. When the doors opened for her she walked in and pushed the button to the car park.

She made her way into 2D room, finding him still sleeping. Noodle made her way over to the other side of the bed and climbed in, making sure she was comfortable. He looked so peaceful in his sleep. Noodle started rubbing his soft blue hair. 2D smiled at the gental touch of Noodles hand. He opened his eyes to see his little axe princess.

"I didn't mean to wake you." Noodle whispered to him then placed a quick kiss on head. 2D pulled her down into his arms, while Noodle giggled. He pulled the covers over her. "I have to tell you something." she leaned over and whispered to him.

"wot is that love?" 2D started rubbing Noodle's belly and heard tiny giggles escape her lips. " I asked Murdoc-san if he noticed that Paula wasn't getting bigger." Noodle giggled again at the soft touch of 2Ds warm hands. "And wot did he say love?" "He asked if the baby was going to be okay, and I told him to take her to the doctor which is where they probably are now."

Noodle cuddled into 2D more not knowing that her prediction was right.

"umm Murdoc, I'm sure the baby is fine. Its normal for me to not show in the first couple months." Paula lied to him. They were sitting in the doctors office waiting to be called. Murdoc started getting irritated by the fact that there was no one in the office except for them and they still had to wait. "I just want to make sure my kid is alrite!" he growled back at her.

'why couldn't I had knocked up a pretty bird instead of a strange like her?' Murdoc sighed to himself when the Nurse came out. "Ms. Cracker and Mr. Niccals. The doctor will see you now." the nurse said with a smile.

Paula was shaking, she didn't know how to convince Murdoc out of this. Paula and Murdoc walked into the doctors office. "So Ms. Cracker, I thought you said you were going to rid the baby yourself." Murdoc turned and looked at Paula. "wot is he talking about?" the doctor walked over to Murdoc and patted him on the shoulder. "First time this lot came in 'ere, she Muttered something about aborting the baby some fellow knocked into her." the doctor chuckled and Murdoc glared at Paula with anger.

"I WANT YOU OUT OF MY HOUSE AND MY SIGHT!" Murdoc screamed out in the office, so loud it could be heard far away into space.

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