Paula Moves In

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"Living here?" Noodle asked looking at Murdoc.

"Yes living here you repulsive girl!" Paula jumped up and approached Noodle. There was pure anger in her eyes. Paula knew that Noodle didn't like her but she didn't really care, she couldn't stand Noodle either.

Murdoc looked over and noticed that his guitarist and his singer were both holding hands. He got up and pushed Paula away from Noodle. "Love why are you locking hands with the dullard?".

"Well that was part of the reason why 2D and I came up here." her voice tone changed and her heart started pounding faster. "Muds, don't get mad but Noods and I sorta have a relationship goin' on." 2D said with full confidence. Murdoc stared at them for a second and then a crazy thought came into his head 'if he's with Noodle then that means he doesn't care for that Paula girl'. Paula's face completely flushed with anger, she didn't like what she just heard and she was going to do something about it.

"Why would I be mad? That's great news." Murdoc put on his trademark grin. Noodle looked up to him, a small smile appeared on her face. "Where is Russel- san? We have to let him know as well!" Noodle was excited that Murdoc was okay with them being together, she thought the worst that Murdoc would go crazy and hurt 2D or possibly even worst.

"Ehh, I wouldn't bother him now love, he left for his room to take a nap a couple minutes ago." he walking back to the table and sat down. Paula followed after him. "So, what are we going to do about my stuff Mudsy?" She asked flirtatiously, trying to get 2D's attention. 2D walked over to the fridge, grabbing a can of coke and walked back over to Noodle.

Murdoc sighed "I'll send someone for it, and I told you, you greasy haired monkey, STOP CALLING ME THAT!" He was already getting annoyed by her and it was only her first 2 hours in the house.

Noodle leaned over to 2D and whispered into his ear.

"Maybe we should go out to eat 2D-san". 2D nodded finishing his coke and throwing the can away as they left the room. Murdoc watched the couple leave the room and smiled to himself.

Paula just started as she saw 2D leave with that lil monster. Part of her plan had already worked but now that fiend came in and destroyed the rest of it. Murdoc became bored staring at Paula and decided to leave to his precious Winnebago. "Your stuff should be here soon." was the last thing he said to her before he left, Leaving Paula to continue her dirty plotting.

"I will destroy her!"


2D and Noodle walked giggling and smiling laughing about what happened earlier that day.

Once they agreed on a place to eat, they got out of the geep and 2D handed the keys to the valet, while Noodle was staring at this little bird walking in the street. She noticed a car coming pretty fast, heading towards the innocent bird. "Nooo!" she screamed turning her head away not wanting to see what happened next.

2D couldn't help but laugh at the memory. "that wasn't funny 2D!" she said nudging his arm giggling slightly. "But he flew away just in time ya' know love." He said smiling at her as they walked towards 2D's room. "yeah I know but still what if he didn't and the car got to him?"

2D started opening the door to his room "Noods it was a tiny fing' I'm sure he wuld of slid right under it." he said kissing her head and giving her a tender hug trying to comfort her.

"okay." she said smiling hugging him back. He let go after a minute. "you should spend the night down here love, I don't want ya' walking around the corridors at night, ya' never know what's there." he said walking towards his dresser looking for something she could sleep in. Noodle walked over to his night stand and turned on the radio. The stations were playing soft love songs. 2D found a short sleeved pink shirt and tossed it at her. She giggled then walked over to the bathroom to put it on. He found his pajamas on the floor besides his dresser and put those on before Noodle got out the bathroom. The radio starting playing "The world I know" by Esthero.

Noodle walked out the bathroom with the shirt 2D gave her on. It reached a little below her waist. She walked over to the bed and layed in his bed, pulling the covers over her. 2D came and layed down next to her, pulling her close to his chest. Noodle closed her eyes enjoying the smooth music that was playing.

The song sadly came to an end, "I liked that song" Noodle mumbled to his chest. He rubbed her silky hair. "Then that will be our song from now on love." He brought her closer, and she reached up and kissed his lips before going to sleep.

The next morning, Noodle woke up with a knot in her stomach. She ran straight to the bathroom and threw up chunks from the day before. 2D woke up from Noodle's movements and went to see if she was alright. " You alrigh' love?" he gently rubbed her back. Noodle wiped her mouth. "Yeah, I..I think so." She walked to the sink and wiped her face. Noodle walked out the bathroom and retrieved her clothes, 2D walked to the frame of the door and watched her.

She walked over to him and pecked his cheek "I'll see you later 2D san." she walked out of his room and closed the door. The singer walked back to his bed and layed back down, thinking of his axe princess.

Noodle walked up to the lift with her clothes in her hands. She felt a smile on her face, 'everything is going great' she thought to herself as the lift door opened. Noodle walked out the lift and dropped her clothes in shock.

"what the hell are you doing!"

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