an angel in her crib

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Noodle and the new born baby were finally home. She brought Melody downstairs into her and 2D's room. Noodle sat down on the bed holding her baby in her arms.
Melody scanned the room with her beautiful big green eyes.
Then her father walked into the room with a very large bow in his hands.
He walked in and placed the large box next to his side of the bed. Then he crawled in next to Noodle.
"are yew ready to make the babies bed luv?" 2D kissed Noodles cheek and then her lips.
"Hai. I just have to feed her first."
2D took Melody gently into his arms while Noodle removed her top to feed her.

"'eres's my Melody?…There she 'is" he played with his baby. Melody smiled at the crazy sounds her father made that she didn't understand.

"Yewr my beautifew lil girl, and I love yew. But yew 'ave to promise tha yew won grew up to fast." Melody made small noises as she noticed her mother was ready to feed her. She reached her hands over in Noodle's direction and moaned out little baby noises.
"okay luv its time to eat." 2D slowly handed Melody over to Noodle. As her lips sucked onto her mother's breast for its milk, 2D stroke Melody's soft blue hair.

"'ow many shots do yew fink the cameras got of yew Noods?" 2D asked looking at her. Noodle's eyes reminded on their baby. "Thousands. They wouldn't leave us alone for a second."

The paparazzi didn't find out about the pregnancy until they caught Noodle holding the baby in her arms and snapping hundreds of pictures of her and the blue haired baby girl. They questioned the rest of the band but they remained silent.

"Those bright lights could of hurt her poor eyes, and those damn paparazzi would of made up a story on what a terrible mother I am, and fake the face that it was really their fault our baby went blind and-" Noodle's rambling was cut off.

"Noodle my luv, calm down. Everfing 'is alrite and Melody es fine." he massaged her hair back in order to get her to relax. "You're right." she looked over at 2D and smiled.

Melody let go of her mother's nipple. Noodle pulled her shirt back up then placed the baby gently over her shoulder and patted her back softly so the baby could burp.

2D got up and started working on the babies crib. After the baby burped, Noodle placed her in the center of the their bed and let baby Melody drift off into a nice sleep.

After what seemed like hours and hours, the crib was complete. It was a tall light tan crib. On the inside it was decorated with a star patterned bed sheet and small fairy dolls surrounding the crib as well. 2D placed his sleeping angel into her new comfy bed. Noodle just stared as their little Melody slept with peace and quiet. Noodle grabbed a small blanket and covered the baby with it.

When the couple was done enjoying watching their baby sleep heavenly, they laid down on their bed exhausted. 2D laid down on his said and pulled Noodle closer to him.
"2D could I ask you something?" she asked with her eyes closed into his neck.
"a course luv." 2D nuzzled his head into her beautiful smelling hair.
"Did.. Did you mean what you said to me, …. When I was in labor?" Noodle opened her eyes for his answer.
"Yew mean 'bout me marring yew luv?" he closed his eyes and had the thought of them getting married inside his mind.
"Hai… Do you really want to marry me 2D?"

The couple heard a knock at the door, then it opened revealing a very excited Murdoc.
"Ohh I 'ope I'm not disturbing you two love bird-" Noodle sat up.
" Ahh no, Murdoc-san. We were just talking." Noodle yawned.
Murdoc walked into the room and towards the crib. He looked down at the sleeping baby girl.
"She's a beauty Noodle, I'm pretty sure by the time she's a teen tot, all those mangy boys will be all over er'." 2D looked over to the crib. Melody started opening her tiny green eyes and started quietly sobbing, which turned into a loud cry fast.
2D got out of bed and picked her up and patted her back gently. Murdoc sat down on the bed next to Noodle and observed 2D.

"wots wrong wif my lil luv huh?" he gently bounced her up and down until a small burping sound escaped her mouth. Her crying stopped and she relaxed into her father's shoulder. "Well done Pot, you might not be a bad dad after all." Murdoc joked around. Noodle got off the bed and around to were 2D and the baby was.

"Well I came down 'ere so you guys including my new niece, could come meet someone special to my soul." 2D gave Noodle Melody and she slowly rocked back and forth. "Oh you mean the gal yew said yew've fallen fer Murdoc?" Murdoc got up off the bed and walked over towards the door. "You lot will just have to come upstairs and see." Murdoc said with a grin. Noodle and 2D followed Murdoc out of their room and upstairs towards the kitchen.

When they walked into the kitchen, they saw a very cute girl sitting at the table talking to Russel.

When Russel noticed that Noodle had brought in the baby he immediately got up and went straight to hold Melody. He held her securely as she smiled back at him.

"Noodle, D, this is Hannie." Murdoc said standing next to the cute girl.

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