regret & pregnancy tests

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The two girls that were left in the kitchen, finished thier meals with a little small talk and went there separate ways. Noodle planned her day fearing a certain reason to why she's been having morning sickness and went out to town, while Paula on the other hand had her day planned as well.

A little while after Noodle left, Paula sneeked her way downstairs and through the car park. When she was standing in front of 2D's door she breathed in and out continuing her plan. She turned the door knob and walked in. 2D was sitting on his bed when he noticed the door open.

"Ohh, umm hey Pau-" 2D was cut off by Paula's lips crushing into his. His eyes widen at what he was doing. Paula then got on his lap to deepen the kiss, but 2D pulled away but brought his hands to her back to that she wouldn't fall.

"Paula wot are you doing?" 2D was panting, wishing Noodle wouldn't come running in threw the door. "what do you think I'm doing Stu?" Paula wrapped her arms around 2D's neck trying to pull him even closer. She wanted him so close to her she could feel every inch of him on her. "Paula please...stop." 2D tried avoiding Paula's plan but couldn't help the way he was feeling at the moment. He knew this was wrong but at the same time he knew he wanted this in a sort of way.

"Stu- darling, don't resist me. I know you want this." Paula slowly lead him down onto the bed and kissed him again, this time without 2D resisting. He then found his way to the tips of the end of her shirt. His finger tips reached under and pulled her shirt over her head, breaking there kiss for a second.

Noodle was in a small town just outside of Essex. She was doing a little shopping for herself. Walking into stores that caught her attention and walking out with a few bags of clothes or accessories. Noodle then remembered her true purpose of coming into town. She searched for a small convenient store. She walked down a couple isles until finding exactly what she was looking for. She picked up quite a lot of the small packages and brought them up to the front counter. After getting a few glares from the teenaged cashier, she rang up all of Noodle's items and put them inside a bag.

After a long day of shopping and alone time Noodle decided to head home. She called a cab and the cab driver took her back to Kong. The cab driver tried making small talk but Noodle wasn't really paying much attention, her mind was set on 2D and what he could possibly be doing at the moment. The thought of 2D brought a smile to her face. She leaned back against the seat and fell into a light sleep.

2D was panting along with Paula next to him wrapped underneath his bed sheets. Paula smiled and looked up at 2D. "I con't remember the last time anyone has made love making so amazing" Paula wrapped her arms around 2D again bring him closer to her naked body. 2D was lost in thought, his mind was screaming at him for what he had just done 'Wot have you done to poor Noodle! You idiot she's pregnant, not to mention and with Murdoc's baby! But wot about Noodle! You've decived her! How could you do such a thing to her? I thought you loved her? You no good dirty-'

"2D" Paula interrupted his thoughts when she saw his eyes start to water. He couldn't look at her so he directed his attention towards the floor.

"Paula you need to go" 2D got up and walked to his bathroom, once he was inside he closed the door and locked it. Paula stared at the door for a moment, then put back on her clothes and left his room. Her plan was complete.

The cab driver woke Noodle when they were outside of Kong. Noodle gathered her things and paid the cab fair. She walked into Kong hoping not to run into anyone in the hallway. Noodle sighed in relief when she was inside her room without all her bags. She set them down next to her bed and searched for the bag that had the items she bought at the convenient store. She walked into her bedrooms bathroom with the bag and closed the door making sure it was locked for full privacy. She opened one of the packages and pulled out the half white half blue stick.

2D was still in thought. He let his conscious yell at him. 2D walked over to his shower and turned on the water not caring that it was freezing. He scrubbed himself everywhere for what seemed like hours. Noodle came out of her bathroom with a sly smile on her face. She was sort of excited. "I have to tell 2D". Noodle left her room and walked towards the lift pushing the button to open the doors. Noodle walked in still excited, pushing the button to go to the car park. Once the doors opened, she stepped out walking to 2D's room. She turned his door knob to see if the door was open and got nervous when it was and walked in. she heard the shower running and figured her 2D was in there. She walked over to his bed and noticed it was a mess. She fixed his covers and made his bed then layed down waiting for him to come out.

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