begging on your knees

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Russel walked out of Noodle's room and closed the door slowly and quietly making sure he didn't wake the upset axe princess. He started heading towards the kitchen. When he got there, he was surprised to see 2D and Murdoc sitting at the table.

"So you idiot, what are you gonna do 'bout this hole thing eh?" Murdoc said before he sipped some of his beer in his hands. "I-I dunno." 2D looked down at the floor. He felt terrible for what he did, but he would of only felt worse if he kept it in. "You need to talk to 'er." Murdoc said slamming the empty bottle onto the table and getting up to get another.

2D's attention went to the abandoned bottle on the table. "Wot if she don't listen to me?" Murdoc sat back down with a new beer bottle. "Then you'll have give her time." Russel said as he walked over and sat next to Murdoc.

"If you were dating my baby girl, why would you go and cheat on her with your ex that went and cheated on you?" Russel stared at 2D waiting for his answer. "I-I dunno wot came over me, but I love Noodle. I don't want her upset like this or to feel the way she does." 2D said slowly looking at Russel. Murdoc took another sip. " If you really loved Noodle you wouldn't of had done wot you did to her! Now the poor girl is heart broken."

"She's also...pregnant" 2D added putting his attention back towards the floor. Murdoc and Russel stared at 2D with an angry expression. Russel wanted to jump across the table and strangle the singer for what he just heard. Murdoc stayed stunned. There little Noodle was pregnant.

"You better get down on your knees and beg her for forgiveness." Russel said still staring at 2D. The singer just nodded not knowing how to respond. 2D then had a memory go through his head. He jumped up from his seat and left the kitchen. Murdoc sipped his beer again.

"Wot are we gonna do with those two if things don't work out?". Russel sighed. "We just gotta hope for the best."

2D was walking down the hallway towards Noodle's room. The memory he had in the kitchen was something he never wanted to see again.

'Even if nobody believes me, I still love her and I don't want her to hurt herself at all.' he thought as he walked down the hallway.

When he got to her door he stood in front of it and sighed. Then he heard Paula talking to herself from the inside of her room.

"Ughh that little scrag, barging in here like that, she's lucky I didn't go in there and pound her face in, but at least she didn't hurt the baby." Paula started laughing hysterically. "I cant believe how stupid they are to believe that I would be pregnant with Murdoc's baby, of all people. Ha! If I weren't smart enough to get that thing aborted the minute I found out I dunno what I would of done." 2D heard everything. He was pissed that not only did she trick him but she lied and used Murdoc's supposed baby as an excuse to move in and ruin his and Noodle's relationship. 2D didn't want to hear anymore so he turned the knob to Noodle's door and walked in. She was sound asleep. He walked over to her bed side and saw her tear stained face.

He rubbed her soft cold cheek. Noodle shifted a bit in her sleep. "2D.." she moaned out softly. 2D saw a sly smile appear on her face. "I love you Noodle." he whispered to her and removed his hand from her cheek. He walked over to her drawer and opened the top drawer. He searched through it until he found what he was looking for. he picked up the box cutter and stared at it. He put it in his pocket and headed straight for the door until heard Noodle shifted again. Her eyes slowly opened as she saw a figure moving through her room. The figure then turned into 2D as her vision became clear from her sleepy beautiful eyes.

"2D?" she rubbed her eyes. "why are you in here?" he walked over to her bed and sat down facing her. "I was just.... I was just worried about you." He was looking at her while she tried not to catch his gaze. "Ohh" was all Noodle could manage to get out. She felt the tears starting to form in her eyes.

"Noodle,... I'm sorry. I'm really really sorry and I know that you are hurt and upset but I had to tell you...I didn't want to hide anything from you." Noodle couldn't fight the tears in her eyes, they slid down her face.

"2-2D.... How could you do this?" 2D looked down to the floor. "I dunno.... I-it just happened....but Noodle I -I jus-" he was cut off. The tears from Noodle's eyes started streaming down harder. "Is it...because of me?" she got out in between sobs. 2D quickly looked up from the floor and looked at her. He cupped her wet cheek in his hand.

"Noodle... how can you say that?" Noodle looked up at him. "I have no idea why I did it Noods, I really don't but I know I hurt you and I'm sorry." 2D remembered what Russel said and got down on his knees. Noodle sat up on her bed to see what he was doing and was shocked by it. "I love you Noodle, More then I've ever loved someone before. I-I jusst want you back in me arms." Noodle didn't know what to say. Her heart was beating so fast she was afraid it was going to pop out of her chest.

Noodle did still love 2D and she loved all the sweet things he said to her. Noodle got up from her bed and kneeled down to were 2D was and hugged him tightly. "I love you too, 2D-san" he wrapped his arms protectively around her waist, not wanting to let go for any reason.

"I'll ...forgive you..." she whispered into his ear. 2D picked up both of them from the ground and placed a soft kiss on her lips. His arms were still wrapped around her waist.

Noodle pulled away from the kiss and brought 2D to the bed and they both collapsed onto the bed, 2D never letting go of Noodle. She wrapped the blanket around the both of them as they cuddled closer to each other. Not knowing that someone was listening in on them through the door.

"She won't ruin my chance." the figure whispered to herself.

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