labour and a surprise

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Noodle and 2D were on the couch just watching tv. 2D was holding his love in his hands, gently massaging her belly. Noodle started laughing at what was going on on the tv screen, while 2D was just lost in thought on his future with his two greatest loves, Noodle and the baby.

He reached down and kissed Noodle on her neck then worked his way over to her lips leaving sweet kisses in between. He was going to ask Noodle something, something he's wanted to ask her for quite some time now. He just needed the right moment and the right ring.

Just as he was about to say something Noodle quickly sat up and grabbed her stomach. She was moaning out in pain.

"Noodle, wots wrong?" 2D was scared. He had no idea what was going on, then he noticed that Noodle's pants and part of the couch was wet with a mysterious liquid. Noodle's pain got worse. She stood up, 2D still freaking out stood up next to her.

"2D…. I think its time for….the baby!" Noodle said in between painful moans.

"But love your not due until 3 more months." he was scared.

He saw shows like this on tv when the baby would be born early because there was a problem with it. He wished and hoped nothing would go wrong.

2D helped Noodle into the car and rushed over to the hospital. The nurses automatically helped Noodle into the room. One of the nurses helped Noodle out of her clothes and into the hospital gown, while 2D called Russel and told him that Noodle was in labor.

The doctors quickly got Noodle settled down on the bed and spread her legs open. Noodle was ready to get rid of the terrible pain she was feeling. She grabbed onto 2D's hand and squeezed down on it hard. The doctors were ready and told Noodle to start pushing.

Noodle pushed as hard as she could, and couldn't help her screaming. Her grip on 2D's hand grew stronger. He just sucked it up because he knew the pain he was feeling in his numb hand was nothing compared to the pain Noodle felt.

"Noodle we need you to push harder for us." the doctor said with the head of the baby almost out. Noodle pushed her hardest, but after the push she started crying out and let go of 2D's almost purple hand.

"I can't push anymore…. It hurts too much.." Noodle's face was completely red and full of tears. 2D knew he had to do something.

"Love you have to push so the baby can come." he cupped her face and grabbed her hand.

"I can't 2D…. I …. why did you do this to me?" Noodle started painting from the pain.

"Noodle give us another big push." the doctor said calmly not wanting to anger Noodle. She pushed even harder then the last time.

"Noodle your doing great, we just need one more BIG push from you." the doctor said again. Noodle leaned her head back, she couldn't take anymore pain. Then 2D leaned over and cupped her face again.

"Noodle love, I love you wif all my soul and I want you to marry me." 2D blurted out. Noodle found some way to smile in between her paints.

"Really 2D?" she looked deep into his black orbs.

"Yes, but love I want you to push as hard as you can so I could finally see my baby." he smiled at her.

"Okay." Noodle pushed really hard like everyone had asked her to do. Then it happened.

There it was. Their baby girl. It was so tiny and its cries filled the room. The nurses came and grabbed the baby and cleaned her up then took her to observation to make it was alright. Noodle collapsed into the bed after her last push. The doctors made sure that Noodle was still breathing before they left the room.

Before the last nurse left the room she stopped to and faced 2D.

" Congrats, on your new born baby girl." she smiled at him warmly. 2D was really happy. He was so happy he hugged the nurse before she left the room.

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