Chapter 1

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Silvers POV

"Hey hey" Cassie says as I walk toward her.

"Hey" I smile. We head to class. "I HATE school" I wine.

"Oh and I just love it" she mocks the nerds.

I burst out laughing. All the kids give me dirty looks, then turn away. I keep laughing. Just to get on their nerves then stop.

"To history we go" Cassie sighs.


"And so world war 1 began- bla bla bla" my teacher drones on.

I zone out. I'm snapped back to the real world when the large windows are smash in and guys with guns come swinging in.

"Where's silver smith and Cassie heart?" One guy booms.

I stand up "what do you want?" I wine.

"You now grab your best friend and let's go" the guy points the gun at me.

"Fine" I grab Cassie and we walk down the hall.

"What do you want with us?" I ask.

"Your just like you mother. So down to the point" one guy laughs.

"What? my mom? how do you know my mom?"

"We worked with her"

"You guys were babysitters?" I laughed.

"No your real mom"

"What!" I shriek. "Ok what's going on. And tell me NOW" I stop running.

"We can't tell you that"


"I can" says a deep voice behind me. I turn around. "I am nick furry and I'm here to recruit you" he holds his hand out. I cross my arms. "Well you see, tell me have you ever heard of the avengers?"


"Well you see before they died, they each had a child. You silver are hawkeye and black widows daughter and you Cassie are spider mans daughter" we start walking.

"Ok"i drag out the k "now why do you need us?"

"Well you see Loki had a son named Lou and he plans on following in his fathers footsteps. He must be stopped. I have already found captains son Jason, thors son theo, starks daughter jenny and hulks son Ty"

"Ok" I say.

"Ok to what?" furry looks confused.

"Ok, I'll do it" I smirk "but I don't do too well with other people"

"I'll do it too" Cassie stands beside me.

"Great" he smiles "let's head to the airship"

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